Luck of the LOST
Challenge: Pick an object - any object! ONE object only.
Points Info: Points are completely random. Items and numbers 1-80 were put into the randomizer, and you'll be awarded with the points attached to the item. Points range from 1-80.
Due Date: October 8 @ 11:59 pm EST
(time left) 1. White rock
2. Naomi's bracelet
3. Hazmat suit
4. Glass Ballerina
5. The Others
6. Kate's mug shot
7. Christian's coffin
8. Sawyer's letter
9. The fence
10. Geronimo Jackson
11. The Island
12. Bunny rabbits
13. The statue
14. DHARMA beer
15. Ben's journal
16. Satellite phones
17. Juliet's engagement ring
18. Danielle's music box
19. Vending machine
20. The raft
21. Submarine
22. Desmond and Penny's picture
23. Locke's knifes
24. DHARMA rum
25. Sawyer's beach camp chair
26. Jin's panda bear
27. Yellow flower
28. Hot air Balloon
29. Ghost detector
30. DHARMA jeep
31. Fail safe key
32. LaFleur
33. Medusa spider
34. Hurley's lottery ticket
35. Sun and Jin's wedding rings
36. Peanut butter
37. Bomb
38. Locke's wheel chair
39. Drive Shaft ring
40. Hurley bird
41. Backgammon
42. Mr. Eko's stick
43. Penny's letter to Desmond
44. The caves
45. Dynamite
46. Claire's diary
47. Mr. Clucks
48. Time travel
49. DHARMA jumpsuit
50. Rifle
51. Watership Down
52. DHARMA logo
53. Polar bear
54. Oceanic flight 815
55. Toy airplane
56. Ben's messenger bag
57. Transceiver
58. Apollo bar
59. Charlie's guitar
60. Outrigger
61. Virgin Mary statue
62. Orientation videos
63. The freighter
64. Handcuffs
65. The Hatch
66. The Numbers
67. Faraday's journal
68. Aaron's crib
69. Danielle's transmission
70. Adam and Eve
71. Sawyer's glasses
72. Fish biscuit
73. Oceanic water bottle
74. I love my shih-tzu
75. Picture of Nadia
76. MacCutcheon whisky
77. DHARMA van
78. Jin's watch
79. Black Rock
80. The button
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Now counting how many times 'please respond under your team thread' appears in this post.