So yeah i went outside today! And took some pictures. hahahahaha <3
Thats My Deck. and my shed in the backround. I remember one time i "ran away" and lived in there for a day. ahaha.
Thats my house. Its funny shaped, i havent noticed until now though. HAHAH. yeah k im done.
Down The Street. I caught it at a good time, theres normally bundles of huge trucks right across the street becasue they're building something. Canterbury is such a hick town.
My daddys GTO, i picked out the cool color, You can also see our broken basketball hoop, My brother did it...He dunked on it too much. You can also see some of my brothers UGLY car. hot damn.
I HAVE TANLINES! and i shower. this is proof.
Here are SOME school clothes, im not done shoping yet. I'm undecided as to what to wear the first day.
hmmmm yeah.
Have a nice day.
RG <3 I miss you. a lot.