Stolen from
kylz_e! I'm doing this in the interest of preserving my life. I'm too young to diiiie!
Naw, she's a'ight. She wouldn't kill me. ;)
Three jobs I have had in my life:
1. Selling my mom's lovely wares! She makes pottery.
2. Keeping hooligans at bay for Shakespeare by the Sea theatre shows. Security duty is FTL...
3. Sales clerk at a Tea Store! I'm assistant manager. It's fuuuun!
Three movies I would watch over and over:
1. Hairspray
2. High School Musical 1 and 2 (They've morphed together to make one SUPER MOVIE! Didn't you know?)
3. Moulin Rouge (I've watched that thing like three times in a row before. No lie.)
Three places I have lived:
1. St. John's
2. Bell Island (excuse me while I shudder.)
Three TV Shows that I watch:
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel (SUPER SHOW! Didn't you know?)
2. Supernatural (Mmm, ♥)
3. LOST (Even if those bastards did kill off the baby's daddy...)
Three places I have been:
1. Spain (Best. Summer. EVER.)
2. London
3. Halifax
Three People who e-mail me (regularly):
... I have no friends. Sigh.
Three of my favourite foods:
1. Ceasar Salad (I could eat it TWENTY-FOUR SEVEN.)
2. Mr. Noodles (The veggie flavored ones are the rockzorz)
3. PB&J Sammiches!
Three Places I'd rather be right now:
1. In bed with a hot dude
2. England (British peeps, FTW.)
3. In the kitchen... I'm starved after answering that food question.
Three friends I think will post this:
... I have no friends.
Things I am looking forward to this year:
1. Moving out. (See ya suckas! Later Blonda...)
2. Twilight, the movie. (I can't waaaaait. EDWARD IN THE FLESH BITCHES! It's a dream come true.)
3. Eating something. (I'm seriously famished!)