I'v been listening to this song for most of today and I'm starting to think 'did Thom York writ this song about me?' It's a depressive song for a depressive person, and i'm the perfect partener for it....
I got together with my friened kurt today (bandmember) and we had a jam, it was good and got me thinking, I want to make music like Radiohead..... not to sound like them, but to make music that reaches out and touches people, music that people can relate to, music that makes people like me who are depressed to think 'yes im depressed, but I'm going to carry on'. Radiohead have touched me, and I now want to touch someone elses heart with my music, music about what I am feeling, my heartbreak, my loss, my lack of will to carry on.
I'v wrote this song, its a angry song, a love song, a happy song,......... it can be anything you want it to be.
In about five weeks ill have enough money to afford a microphone, then im going to record this song, and send it to anybody who wants it.....
time away never did make the heart grow fonder