97 Icons - Sapphire & Steel and Press Gang

Dec 21, 2012 09:52

44 x Sapphire & Steel icons and 53 x Press Gang icons. The S&S icons seem to have been growing slowly on my PC since this time last year, so are a bit of an odd mix. The Press Gang icons were made in the summer, I think and about 20 or so were posted to fan_flashworks for challenges.


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sapphire, steven moffat, julia sawalha, spike thomson, quotes, lead (s&s), david collings, david mccallum, steel, lynda day, kenny phillips, colin mathews, joanna lumley, press gang, icons, silver, sapphire and steel, sarah jackson

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Comments 23

persiflage_1 December 21 2012, 10:30:55 UTC
Heh, just thinking some of those PG quotes must look odd out of context!


lost_spook December 21 2012, 20:45:32 UTC
And still I can't resist iconing them! ;-)


persiflage_1 December 21 2012, 20:46:55 UTC
Resistance is futile! :D

(Oh, sorry, wrong fandom!)


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lost_spook December 21 2012, 20:46:22 UTC
Aw, thanks! Press Gang is great. *dances you back*


gillo December 21 2012, 12:35:04 UTC
McCallum and Lumley were so pretty back then, weren't they? I have a feeling Illya is what started my thing about blue-eyed blonds with cheekbones!


lost_spook December 21 2012, 20:47:13 UTC
Yes, it's very painless watching. I also like David Collings, so watching the three of them flirt together for whole episodes at a time is just so tough. ;-)


liadtbunny December 21 2012, 15:16:45 UTC
Oh no, even more S&S to choose from! XD And I've been trying to make some David Collings icons myself, there's no escape(!).

Nice to see Lead get an icon. And Colin too, it is the time of year to dress up as an Arab after all.


liadtbunny December 21 2012, 16:08:15 UTC
So I decided to nick one of your lovely Scrooge icons instead x


lost_spook December 21 2012, 20:48:35 UTC
I'm sorry about that. How thoughtless of me. :-)

I wanted to do more Lead, but my A1 screencaps were a bit rubbish. I need to get some more.

As for Colin, I prefer his bunny suit!


swordznsorcery December 21 2012, 15:33:29 UTC
Nooooo. You're making me want to watch "Press Gang" again! Not enough hours. Cannot be watching. But probably will.

Those are really good, anyway. I like the Lynda quotes especially.


lost_spook December 21 2012, 20:49:20 UTC
I refuse to apologise for accidentally or otherwise causing any watching of Press Gang. How can that be a bad thing? ;-)

And thanks! :-D


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