Fahkin' vampiah's gone. Anyone miss him? [There's not even a pause.] Didn't think so.
Kinda sad to see Vince go, though. Anyone got any ideas for why he might have left?
[Private to Angelica]
I'd like your permission to speak to Mal tomorrow, in person, to sort things out. She wants to explain to me why she did it, whatever the f-- whatever that means.
[Private to Donny]
I need to use your room tomorrow afternoon, no questions asked. I also need you to look after Dick while I'm in your room, and to come if you hear any sound of confrontation. You think you could do that for me?
[Private to Rex]
You finally free, kid?
[Private to Howie]
You doing anything for Ash Wednesday?
[Spam for Dick]
[Costigan looks up from his communicator as he finishes, sprawled out on the penthouse couch that was both larger and less comfortable than Dick's old one. Although one of the other couches folded out into a bed, the inmate was lazy and was just hanging out right now because this couch was closer to where Dick was sprawled out looking as pathetic as Costigan imagined he had.] "I'm meeting with Mal tomorrow."