I was dreaming...
They were after me..
' No..God, no..get away from me!!!! Just leave me alone, you're all gone...'
They were all saying my name, over and over..
they wouldn't stop!
Even Xander, Buffy..
Willow...Angel..Even Cordelia for some odd reason...
But they were saying something...else??
"Faith...You have to wake up now. Faith..wake up..."
Xander's voice, Buffy's, Willow's, Cordy's and Angel's all as one..
"Faith..wake up. Wake up. Wake up.."
All the rest of them crowded around me, suffocating me..drowning me in blood and memories..
I can't breathe...!
"Faith..wake up..Wake Up.."
No air...
'No..get off me! Get AWAY!" (<--- Signifies from thought, to actually waking up and saying it)
I woke up, in a cold sweat, no stake by my side. In a dark room, with no sunlight.
...No sunlight?
"Oh yeah..right."
I remembered getting all confused, every memory of every wrong thing I'd done had rushed to my brain.
Angel had asked me to stay with him. I'd accepted. OK, so free Room and Board. *shrugs*
..Yay? Well, whatever. I'm out of the cold at least.
I collapsed against the cushions again, hoping to get some semi-peaceful sleep..
Knowing it wouldn't happen.