Oooo, you HAVE TO watch the cramp twins!! :D Evil brother against good brother. Tis quite good (if you have the mental age of a 7 year old like I :)) Glad to have you home :) xx
Is The Rats the book in which all the rats kill loads of people and try and take over the world because they have suddenly become super intelligent and bigger or is that something else I'm thinking of? Actually it might be Ants............! sorry *hugz* xx
not far off. some bloke finds a rat mutated from nuclear testing somewhere, and starts breeding and testing from it. all gets out of control and these super-intelligent, over sized rats start to spread. then they get a thirst for human blood and invade london. it's all about the measures taken to destroy the rats :) they evacuate london and use some kinda ultra sonic noise thing to lure them into gas chambers.
its part of a trilogy and, probli typical of a bloke, i read the last one first, then the second, hehe. so now i NEED the first one :)
I think I have read the first one- but not the rest! Your description stirs vague things in my memory but it was quite a few years ago - I think I was about 14 ish. I remember it being quite scary! *hugz* xx
Comments 8
thats music is soo annoying tho :/
i mite write u a letter soon..maybe.
its part of a trilogy and, probli typical of a bloke, i read the last one first, then the second, hehe. so now i NEED the first one :)
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