InncntBystndr17: hey i have something for you
InncntBystndr17: are ya ready?
igby6987: yes
igby6987: what is it?
InncntBystndr17: i would do this inperson but it would ruin everything
igby6987: ok
InncntBystndr17: Ellen, Honey you are a rock
igby6987: ruin what.
InncntBystndr17: Upon which I stand And I come here to talk I hope you understand
igby6987: !!!
igby6987: :-D
InncntBystndr17: The green eyes Yeah the spotlight Shines upon you
InncntBystndr17: (you have to imagin me singing this to you cause htough you cant see or hear me i am singing
InncntBystndr17: The green eyes Yeah the spotlight Shines upon you i
gby6987: haha
igby6987: oh erika! you are amazing
InncntBystndr17: And how could Anybody Deny you I came here with a load And it feels so much lighter Now I met you
InncntBystndr17: i know i am
InncntBystndr17: Honey you should know That I could never go on Without you
InncntBystndr17: Green eyes
igby6987: <333
InncntBystndr17: Honey you are the sea Upon which I float And I came here to talk I think you should know
InncntBystndr17: That green eyes You're the one that I wanted to find And anyone who tried to deny you, Must be out of their mind
InncntBystndr17: Because I came here with a load And it feels so much lighter since I met you InncntBystndr17: And honey you should know, That I could never go on Without you InncntBystndr17: Green eyes, green eyes, ohohoh...
InncntBystndr17: Honey you are a rock Upon which I stand.
InncntBystndr17: That was for you ellen
igby6987: oh you are mos def my lover now!
InncntBystndr17: haha but of course
InncntBystndr17: and where would i be wihtout you ellen
igby6987: where would i be with out you!
InncntBystndr17: because Ellen, you are my rock
igby6987: oh erika! you are just splendid
EEEP! haha Erika that was THE best thing ever <333 i always wanted someone to sing green eye to me!
I <3 YOU