funny thing hitting your head...

Jan 11, 2005 19:21

ya know its funny what you hitting your head can make you relize...

i was taking a shower and i was picking up the shampoo bottle and i hit mi head ((pretty hard)) on the soap dish... afert opening mi eyes and relizing what i had just did it hit me... y should i always be getting into trouble for steve... i just served the last of 4 after sessions that i had gotten cuz he wanted to talk ((witch always turned out to be eather something wicked fucking gay or nothing at all he just wanted to walk with someone and he knew that i would... well i just relized that i need to stop doing this.... nothing is going to happen with me and him and i need to stop putting him before ever thing like there was something goin on... i mean i am not saying that i dont still want to be friends with him cuz i do its just i am going to stop waiting for him and going out of mi way to see him cuz all that that dose is get me into trouble plus he never dose that for me so why the hell should i bother anymore... and corey i said in shop today that i would talk to you about it later... well this is all that there is to say about this subject i jsut didnet want to say it infront of sara cuz she is one of the 5 reasons that there is nothing going on with me and steve... if u want to know what they all are u can ask me but i am not going to put it in hear cuz i dont want to take the chance of someone reading it that i dont want to... thats all that i have got to say for now so i will talk to you all later.... buh byez
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