I've posted about this on Facebook, but the trouble with FB messages is they tend to get lost in the clutter, so LJ seems to be a more suitable home for these posts
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Jeez I had to use a QL on loan from my Uni to (try to) programme in Pascal on it for a year. Elegantis not the word I would have used tho the may have been more about the micro cassette set than he keyboard.. I was EXTREMELY glad to move n to a PC.
I know what you mean - the microdrive was one of the reasons the QL didn't take off. I had a disk drive add-on for mine, which made a huge difference. I plan to house SD card readers in the microdrive slots. However, by "elegant", I was referring to the sleek case design and sculpted shape of the keys, rather than anything to do with how the computer operated.
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