Feb 25, 2007 00:53
I don't know how much more I can take of being wrong. All the time. Everything I do. No matter how sincere I am, no matter that I never mean to start anything... I'm wrong. If I don't capitulate immediately, I'm too stubborn and selfish. I'm tired of screaming matches, I'm tired of threats, I'm tired of it all. Yet I'll just keep going.
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Comments 9
I know this is easier said than done-- believe me-- but the best thing to do is not fight. Let him do his little dick-dance without feedback from you. Let him threaten, belittle, whatever, and let it pass right through you. I believe you will find that his anger will run out of steam a lot faster if you don't feed it.
I had the same problem with a certain ex of mine, and this worked pretty well. At any rate, it's worth a try.
Just don't fight. Don't react. Eventually he will realize (it may take a lot of time) that he can't bait you and he'll give up.
You may not have to agree about things, but that doesn't mean you have to put up with him treating you like crap...and remember there's always M's offer
...and I agree that Beldon may be onto something about him not wanting to see you happy. So, we'll just have to do everything we can to make sure you are!
My guess is you're either her ex or one of his friends. Either way, this behavior shows that you are an abusive personality, who gets his rocks off by doing their best to inflict emotional pain on someone else. It's always so nice to see an "adult" who is such an emotional infant that they only way they can feel good about themselves is to bully someone around like some kindergarten kid on the playground. Quite frankly, I think you're just a pathetic excuse for a human being with a nasty little sadistic streak...and I intend to report your abuse to LJ.
What YOU don't know is the whole story. And until you do, you have no right to make judgments or assumptions. And you CERTAINLY don't have the right to hide behind an assumed name, making attacks and not committing yourself to what you are saying.
By the way.... ALL of my friends know EXACTLY what happened. Every detail. Even the ones online. So, don't try to make them think less of me... it won't happen.
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