Gen prompts
Beckett: apples and oranges; coming to terms with it; eternal sleep; family; Glasgow; Hippocratic Oath; home; home for the first time; starlight; traditions; victory; Monday
Beckett, Carter, what came before
Becket, Dex, friendship; I will protect you; "We weren't looking for you." "We weren't looking for you, either. But there you go."
Beckett, Emmagan, eyes; respectful; ultrasound, rekindled friendship
Beckett, McKay: "My nose won't stop peeling!"; dinner; inside joke; medical emergency; practical joke; regrets; friendship; practical jokes
Beckett, Sheppard: listening; medical override
Beckett, Sheppard & Sheppard/Emmagan - "you're the hero"/"you brought her home"
Beckett, Sheppard, Weir, again?
Beckett, Weir, alternate universe; loss; smiles
Brown, Cadman, picnic basket
Cadman, ‘Boom?’; black dress; explosives; fall; female solider; girls night out; gun; I love rock and roll; wild
Cadman, Dex, barroom brawl
Cadman, Emmagan, boys; girls "poker" night
Cadman, Emmagan, Heightmeyer, Weir, "Getting down and dirty"; cabana boys; giggling; ice cream; liquid refreshment; off-world adventure; rescue ourselves
Cadman, Heightmeyer, prescription
Cadman, Lorne, Atlantis black market; observing; paint ball; painting
Cadman, McKay, piano and tap shoes
Cadman, Weir, poison ivy
Caldwell, Bravery; Captain; command; family; field; good soldier; Outside looking in; save the day; special delivery
Caldwell, Carter, command; outsiders; respect
Caldwell, Weir, "Does it work?" "Sometimes."; good timing; honesty; sarcasm; understanding
Carter, Distance; Goodbyes; illusions; leadership; Love; Reflection; Uncertainty
Carter, Dex, strength
Carter, Emmagan, spar
Carter, Keller, newbies
Carter, Lorne, concrete vs. shiny colored glass; faith
Carter, McKay, a whale named
Carter, McKay, Zelenka, coffee; lightsaber; science experiment
Dex, "that's the second largest robot I've ever seen"; Chewbacca; English lessons; Flight; Food; height; laughter; Marked; never looking back; painting; practice; Sateda; Solitude; stand down; stay or go
Dex, Emmagan, ritual; "I knew we should have gone the other way."; Friendship; ocean; opposites; Two of a kind
Dex, Emmagan, Lorne, It’s always the quiet ones
Dex, Emmagan, McKay, Sheppard, "We have a good explanation for this"; ‘What could possibly go wrong? ... Oh God I wish you hadn’t said that.’; Beating the odds; Down time; Shindig; it takes a village to raise a child; Never give up, never surrender
Dex, Emmagan, McKay, Sheppard, Weir, on Earth; relaxation; wrong things for the right reasons
Dex, Ford, weaponry
Dex, Keller, first aid 101
Dex, Lorne, amusement; dinosaurs; rescue; respect
Dex, McKay: "Batman and "; bite marks; chess; double trouble; finding friendship in an unexpected place; PMSing; 'Scare me why don't you?'
Dex, McKay, Sheppard: boys will be boys; kamikaze; round table; strange forms of male bonding; the internet is for porn
Dex, McKay, Weir, indecent exposure
Dex, Sheppard, beer; Bob Marley; horses; kicking back; protector; seriously?
Dex, Weir, ambush; getting to know you; gratitude; leadership; you're not alone
Dex, Zelenka, camping; friendship
Ellis, McKay, showdown
Emmagan, "A woman's strength lies not in her beauty or her leadership, but in her ability to anchor those around her with her presence."; "She, the hero."; "the parliament of dreams"; American food; cold; cooking; death; egg; fighter; fire; green; grief; Hail Mary; honor; illusions; instrument; love; morning sickness; mother; no greater gift; protector; puppies; Sacrifice; sacrifice; Serendipity; Signs; staves; the elements; Tourist; uncle
Emmagan, everyone, ‘Baby showers are an Earth custom!’
Emmagan, Heightmeyer, chick flicks; diary; friendship; home; misunderstandings; secrets; traditions; work; charisma
Emmagan, Keller, check-up; commonalities and differences; the new girl
Emmagan, Lorne: ‘May I paint you?’; art; circus; family portrait; nanny; uncle
Emmagan, McKay: all's not lost; baby (set before Kindred); dancing; dinosaurs; gratitude; hockey; impatient; sparring; babysitting
Emmagan, Sheppard, Ballroom dancing; crayons and/or coloring book; cultural exchange; family; ice storm; misunderstanding; role reversal; surprise visit; targeted; hope; awkward build-up; hurt-comfort after Search & Rescue (S5 spoilers); goodbye to the old (auld lang syne)
Emmagan, Weir, broken; drunk gossip; frozen; Godmother; knitting; memory; mother; rock; scholarly; Tea; tricks
Emmagan, Zelenka, books; gardens; helping hand; not a pervert
Ford, abandoned; ghost; pictures from Pegasus
Ford, Lorne, First meeting
Ford, McKay, crayons; spiders
Ford, McKay, Sheppard, counting cards
Ford, Weir, hope
Grodin, blackout; comeback; homesick; how to feed the rumor mill; program; run; weapon
Grodin, Heightmeyer, South Africa
Grodin, Kusanagi, getting acclimated
Grodin, McKay, Zelenka, gate malfunction
Grodin, Weir, late at night
Heightmeyer, "the lunatics have taken over the asylum"; files; forgotten; heart and soul; lonely; love; night sky; soup; sunlight; useful; waiting; who heals the healer?
Heightmeyer, Emmagan, tea and muffins; villages
Heightmeyer, McKay, Red hair
Heightmeyer, Sheppard, confession
Heightmeyer, Weir, adoration; crushed flowers; Freud; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Heightmeyer, Weir/Sheppard, secret language
Kavanagh, McKay, competition
Keller, "take two and call me in the morning"; sick; smarts
Keller, Lorne, model and painter
Lorne, "I know better."; "Religious zealots or life-sucking aliens? Neither were in my contract."; "try to picture the audience naked"; accidentally naked; AU; backup; blue; command; courage; faith; firing range; hidden talents; left behind; Oil paints; painting; pie; reading list; sister; soldier; watercolors
Lorne, McKay, "I think I know why Sheppard hasn't shot you yet."; earning respect ; geek saves goon ; goon saves geek
Lorne, Sheppard, abbreviated; hidden talents; managing marines; mission gone awry/crazy escape aka ‘was it good for you?’; playing detective; public relations
Lorne, Weir, amused; incredulous; respectful; self-defense
Lorne, Zelenka, offworld; second(s) in command
McKay, action figure(s); alone in a crowd; change; equals; family; objects at rest; Thai chili potato chips; the measure of a man; wild cat(s)
McKay, Miller, childish things; sibling rivalry
McKay, Sheppard, Batman geeking; Canadianism vs Americanisms; poutine; purple; friendship unspoken
McKay, Sheppard, Weir, stubborn; trapped; Trinity; turnabout's fair play
McKay, Weir, maturity; paperwork; pre-Rising
McKay, Weir, Zelenka, patience is a virtue
McKay, Zelenka, disagreement; Northeastern University; tug of war; "I don't know how I have remained sane this long working with you, Rodney, I really don't."
Miller, college
Miller, McKay, evil geniuses at work
Miller, Sheppard, discussing Mer
Miller, Weir, commiseration
Sheppard, "I call 'em like I see 'em."; "I think they want to kill us"; "When I ruled the world"; "yes ma'am"/orders; Ashes to ashes; clueless; conscience; failures; Fate; first time; Hail Mary; here be dragons; quick math; saving the universe one galaxy at a time; skateboard; sleep; wanting
Sheppard, Beckett, Irn-Bru
Sheppard, Weir, alone; defending her honor
Sheppard, Zelenka, black and blue
Weir, "and the sky full of stars"; "I don't know if I want an explanation"; "Promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep"; artifacts; Ascension ; ashes to ashes; brother; Doubts; drifting; everyone, 'Surprise!" ; explosion; Faith; fear; gasp; guilt; habit; Heartsong; history repeats itself; horizon; illusion ; illusions; instinct; left behind; loss; lost article of clothing ; love; memories; Midnight on the Firing Line; nightly rituals; perfume; rose; salt; smile; solitude; son; strength; terrified; time travel; touch; watch; what if?; wind; wounds; you never know what you're strong enough to do
Weir, Zelenka, Star Wars; American slang; chess; solitaire; Paso Doble; trying to get a scientist to take vacation
Zelenka, patience; crushes; distraction; home from home; revenge; video games
Pairing prompts
Beckett/Cadman, "you're wearing that?"; Children; lonely; music; night; office; without you; water fight
Beckett/Emmagan, dancing; fragile; gentle; grief; hands; hold you close; hope; regrets; reunion; song; springtime; stars; this time you're saving me; touch; baby's first words; body warmth; role reversal; shy; ultrasound
Beckett/Weir, hard; Indian food
Brown/McKay, Santa & riot gear
Cadman/Lorne, closet; comfort; duty; explosion; feathers; gentle sometimes; healthy rivalry; how could this be wrong; loss; lost; not technically contraband; off-duty silicone; out of practice; poker; shelter from the storm; silk; target practice; kindred souls
Cadman/McKay, "What did you think would happen?"; beauty and the geek; dirty; talent show
Cadman/Sheppard, close; dare; flight; lie; order; tangle
Carter/Lorne, best friends; closet; flowers; grace; knowledge; thoughts of home
Carter/McKay, friendship
Carter/Sheppard, "screw the regs"; blue jello; nightmares
Dex/Emmagan, babysitting; common cause; game; Home; suspicion; loyalty; gossip
Dex/Heightmeyer, abrasion; ache; jagged; kinetic; lap; nervous; stress
Dex/Keller, "not again..."; accident; band aid; butterfly; Chinese food; obsessed; common ground; folk dance; fun and games in the sun; one of them doesn't know to swim; past lives; oops!; rabies; romance novels; shy; strength & agility; teach me something; trapped in an elevator; Valentines Day (awkward Earth rituals); you fight sexy; ; You're my strength
Dex/Weir, "I'm not without my wiles."; clean slate; foreign; kindle; moody; quench; veil
Dex/Weir(Replicator), capture and bondage
Emmagan/Ford, lost
Emmagan/Kanaan, last kiss; One true love; beginnings; prophecy
Emmagan/Kanaan, Emmagan/Sheppard UST - Understanding
Emmagan/Lorne, baby; baby's first words; babysitting; booties; bristles; camera; crush; disguise; drink; families; fire up my life; games; it's a great day to be alive; it's all in the technique; lost; music; picnic; river; slow burn; sober; sparring practice; sweat; unrequited; warriors; water; wealth; widows and orphans
Emmagan/McKay, "Aliens made us do it I swear!"; "so doing it"; "We did it." "You did it. I helped."; awkward; dance; dangerous; freedom; laughter; physics; presents; tease; trust; unexpected
Emmagan/Michael, appearances; experiment; father; heir; hunger; watching
Emmagan/Sheppard, "take the damn shot!"; "if I had to do it over"; April shower; atonement; AU delivery with his help (S5 spoilers); babysitting; baby-talk; bananas; beach day; burlesque; Candlelight; chili; destiny; diplomatic; doomsday; dream woman; drinking games; drug; explosive; fancy dress; flight; flying; good times; hold on this precious life; investigation; it's an earth thing; lost to me; mangle; midnight; mutual telepathy unaware; over and over and over again; privacy; race you to the jumper; satellite; shared dream; showers and bubbles; sight unseen; slow dance on alien planet in the moonlight; snafu; soaked to the skin and laughter; spontaneous; subtlety; sweat; teamwork; trap; travel; urban legends; vision; why me?
Emmagan/Sumner, what could have been
Grodin/Keller, campus; the bum's rush
Heightmeyer/Lorne, "Is that a yes?" "What do you think?"; local fauna; prune; skinny-dipping; the four winds
Heightmeyer/Sheppard, closet; comfort; darkness; quiet; release; typical flyboy; 'Usually I'm the one asking the questions.'
Keller/McKay, Smart kids
Keller/Woolsey, HIPAA violations
Kolya/Weir(Replicator), power struggle with sex
Lorne/Weir, always there; blue; creation; heat; movie; psychic bond; raw; ragged; shirtless; sight and sightless; silk and satin; Something understood; tables and chairs; timely entrance
McKay/Keller, dancing lessons
McKay/Weir, after; envy; illustrious; home; hunger; last best effort; naïve; pet; pursue; save you from yourself; slip; storm; toothbrush and toothpaste; xeric
McKay/Weir(Replicator), things unfinished
Sheppard/Weir "All who wander are not lost"; "If you were me, we'd all be in trouble"; "don't do this to me"; "If I should die this very moment"; "On second thought, maybe this was a bad idea"; ache; apologies; body warmth; books; broken; camera; caught kissing; competition; condoms; dreamless; dvd; exposure; first time; flu; forgiveness; grapes and cheese; Harry Potter; helicopter; in loco parentis; In the end; leather; live forever; love hurts; mementos; Movie night; moving on; music collection; nap; only time; personal effects; quarter sheets; regrets; return; reunion; Roleplay; skinny-dipping; snuggling; tease; the movies you should watch; tickles; toaster or oven?; unbelievable; vacation; What are you doing here?; winter solstice
Weir/Zelenka, confession; convert; ice; jarring; lost and found; mourning; opposed; request; sky; silk; tangled; zealous
Threesome prompts:
Beckett/Cadman/Sheppard, once upon a time
Dex/Emmagan/Heightmeyer, obsession
Dex/Emmagan/McKay, temporary
Dex/Emmagan/Lorne, confidences; passing time
Dex/Emmagan/Sheppard, induction, luminous, taut, wrangle, yield
Dex/Emmagan/Weir, charm of the forbidden, claim, lull, several times over, stolen moment, ruse
Dex/Heightmeyer/Lorne, appraisal, coerce, drawn, knock on the door, murky, tremble
Dex/Sheppard/Weir, "Bright lights, big city"; acclimated; fortune; homesickness; lessons; on Earth
Emmagan/Heightmeyer/Lorne, "I don't want to explain this."; bound; grind; minor problem; normalcy; overwhelmed
Emmagan/Sheppard/Weir, hopeless romantic; reunited; vicarious; wishes
Heightmeyer/Lorne/Weir, shadows
Heightmeyer/Sheppard/Weir, "And then they got stuck..."; ; bubbles; gymnastics; kissing; puddlejumper; swimming; 'Welcome home.'
Lorne/Sheppard/Weir, cliché; every excuse in the book; heat; lambent; pressure; ravage; torn; survivors
Lorne/Weir/Zelenka, "We're really doing this"; compliant; fantasies; seduction; verge
McKay/Sheppard/Weir, "Shut up"; "You want the long explanation right now?"; birthday; meld; office space; paperwork
Sheppard/Weir/Zelenka, loneliness; morning; quiet strength; subtle invitation; steel
Ambassador Shen, Weir, rivalry
Beckett, Mal Doran, charming
Caldwell, O'Neill, "I can't win with these people."
Carter, Mitchell, Sheppard, "that time..."; "We go way back."; "what regulations?"
Dex, Emmagan, Teal'c, Earth
Dex, Mal Doran, sexy
Dex, Mitchell, Sheppard, rumours
Dex, O'Neill, Sheppard, sticky
Dex, Teal'c, Star Wars
Emmagan, Jackson, the importance of leadership
Emmagan, Jackson, Weir, Definitions
Emmagan, Mal Doran, beaches; explaining Earth; shoes; shopping; tourism
Emmagan, Mal Doran, Weir, bonding; leather; vacations
Emmagan, Mitchell, Sheppard, teamwork
Emmagan, O'Neill, "Our people are crazy."
Emmagan, Teal'c, meditation; indeed
Jackson, McKay, adventure
Jackson, O'Neill, Sheppard, Weir, gambling
Lee (Bill), McKay, something humorous
Mal Doran, McKay, surprise
Mal Doran, Sheppard, hair gel
Mal Doran, Weir, chocolate ice cream
McKay, Mitchell, Sheppard, "They want to make you king."
Mitchell, O'Neill, Sheppard, flyboy humor
Mitchell, O'Neill, Sheppard, Teal'c, advice
Mitchell, Sheppard, gladiator; Mustang Sally; strategizing
O'Neill, Sheppard, first
O'Neill, Sheppard, Weir, trouble
SG-1 Crossover Pairings
Cadman/Mitchell, let your hair down; sir
Emmagan/Jackson, Athosian history; loosen up
Emmagan/Jackson/Mitchell, alien girl
Emmagan/Jackson/Teal'c, culture
Emmagan/Mitchell, "Words versus actions"; ante up; country boy; ivy; barter; combat; honey; collaborate rescue mission; escape this world of pain; love words
Emmagan/Mitchell/Sheppard, midnight; blue; socks; ritual attire; “I can definitely see the benefits of strip poker.”; hot and cold; strawberry wine; taking care of their woman
Emmagan/Mitchell/Weir, history; lucky; overheard
Emmagan/Sheppard, Daniel Jackson: The Book of Emmagan, a story of strength, perseverance, and leadership.
Mal Doran/Mitchell/Weir, unexpected
Mal Doran/Sheppard/Weir, humor
Mitchell/Sheppard/Weir, apocalypse; dancing; Earth; figure of speech; local customs; one bedroom apartment; secrets; sought you out
Mitchell/Weir, bad boys; care; first kiss; flirt; green; leather; off-world; stranded; tipsy; unexpected but not unwelcome; Casablanca quote: "With the whole world crumbling, we pick this time to fall in love." "Yeah, it's pretty bad timing. Where were you, say, ten years ago?"
O'Neill/Weir, deliberate; name tags; orders; sarcasm; visitation rights
Other Crossovers
Angel/SGA: Faith/Dex, "You and I collide"
Angel/SGA: Faith/Dex, Driving lessons
Bones/SGA: Brennan/Booth, Sheppard/Emmagan, "I don't know what that means"
Bones/SGA, Temperance Brennan, Weir, archeology
Bones/SGA, Temperance Brennan, Sheppard, intellect
Bones/SGA, Seeley Booth, Sheppard, gun
Bones/SGA, Seeley Booth, Weir, earth
Bones/SGA, McKay, Bones cast, murder most foul (or fowl?)
Cold Case/SGA, Lily Rush, Sheppard, out of place
Cold Case/SGA, Lily Rush/Sheppard, unavailable
CSI: LV/SGA: Grissom, Beckett, Iratus Bug, fascinating
Dark Angel/SGA, Grodin/Max Guevera, exposure
Due South/SGA, Emmagan, Benton Fraser, adjusting to a city
Firefly/SGA, Dex, River Tam, stories
Firefly/SGA, Dex/Jayne Cobb, code of conduct
Firefly/SGA, Emmagan, Inara Serra, power
Firefly/SGA, Emmagan, River Tam, quicksilver
Firefly/SGA, Malcolm Reynolds, Sheppard, cowboy
Firefly/SGA, Malcolm Reynolds, Weir, fool
Firefly/SGA, McKay, Kaylee Frye, wires
Firefly/SGA, Sheppard, Mal Reynolds, crew
Firefly/SGA, Weir/Mal Reynolds, "mama said there'd be days like this"
Firefly/SGA, Ronon Dex, Inara Serra, peace
Firefly/SGA, Teyla Emmagan, Mal Reynolds, hope for the hopeless
Firefly/SGA, Kate Heightmeyer, River Tam, inner demons
Firefly/SGA, Rodney McKay, River Tam, flawed genius
Firefly/SGA, Elizabeth Weir, Jayne Cobb, politics
Heroes/SGA, Dex, Hiro Nakamura, yatta
Heroes/SGA, Sheppard, Nathan Petrelli, flying
Heroes/SGA, Weir/Nathan Petrelli, cold
Heroes/SGA, Weir/Nathan Petrelli, on top
House/SGA, speed
Iron Man/SGA: Tony Stark, McKay, okay, he’s not half stupid
Iron Man/SGA: Tony Stark, McKay, snark
Iron Man/SGA: Tony Stark, Sheppard and/or Lorne, how to commune with/be at one with the city aka ‘You might have a special gene but I know AIs better than you’
Iron Man/SGA: Tony Stark, Sheppard, so, you think you can fly?
NCIS (up to season 2)/SGA, Jethro Gibbs, McKay, adversity
Sentinel/SGA, McKay, Blair Sandburg, half-brothers/cousins