Aug 22, 2007 18:25
It all went wrong.
I took too much of her soul.
I guess I got what I wanted, but it
wasnt supposed to happen that way.
Im gonna stop.
Aug 20, 2007 17:54
Man talk about pimpin'.
I think this summer just peaked
between last night and today.
3 in less than 18 hours.
3!!! back to back!!!!
te tromper.
Aug 10, 2007 18:07
Damn it feels good to be a gansta.
So me llama chinoe y dice " ey dik, kaya sta medio precio!"
Im thinking FUCK YES! then I hear
"pero, noay sugar, I ran out yesterday foo."
Fuck it half price, I still have some sugar
and I already had my spliff. Good fucken day.
Im gonna go see the Simpsons Movie next sunday.
Straigt Pimpin'
Aug 08, 2007 18:26
FUCK. . . .
Total Burnout.
cant get much better than this.
Aug 06, 2007 18:50
Dont you know, I hate you most.
En una nota mas alegre.
E estado fumando Kashaca Pura.
fresca, buena, fina, cara.
Hasta la muerte.
O dia que voy murir,
eu quiero minha sepultura
tres cientos litros, de Kashaca,
sin mistura!
Jun 11, 2007 18:51
Greatest Fucken Night Of My Life!!!!
Yo Vengo Del Oyo Yo!!!!!
Ese es mi lugar
Yo Vengo Del Oyo Yo! Oyo Yo! Oyo Yo!!!
Y a medio concierto . . .
Infinita Tristeza, que llevo en mi corazon
Infinita Malesa
y llore, y llore, y llore, y llore, y llore . . .