how pathetic is it that im really sad that im not going to be able to see him until sunday. thats only what.. four days? and only three days of actually NOT seeing him. how lame. but i mean, im sure it wont be that bad, thinking about it beforehand is always worse than it turns out to be. plus, its healthy to have distance every now and then. i
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Comments 9
In the mean time i'm going to sit back and relax since my lj is friends only and i'd recommend most people switch thiers too.
you get used to it though
& when they come back it's the best.
it wont be too bad.. i mean, today im planning on catching up on sleep, tomorrow im going to see HP! with some girlies, and so im kinda excited.
although i really am excited to be able to see him sunday, just because he makes me smile.
aaaaaaand yes, hp willl be amazing. the fourth book was my favorite. :D
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