
Nov 16, 2005 17:52

how pathetic is it that im really sad that im not going to be able to see him until sunday. thats only what.. four days? and only three days of actually NOT seeing him. how lame. but i mean, im sure it wont be that bad, thinking about it beforehand is always worse than it turns out to be. plus, its healthy to have distance every now and then. i ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

nauticman November 16 2005, 23:24:12 UTC
When I was in DC this from KY was telling me that her school started checking everyone's myspace and calling all the kids down that had 'yes's for either drinking or smoking. And they were calling thier parents and stuff it was this huge deal i guess. I'm worried that's what's going to happen next.

In the mean time i'm going to sit back and relax since my lj is friends only and i'd recommend most people switch thiers too.


lostidentity November 17 2005, 00:21:06 UTC
yeah i agree.


guitar2005sn November 17 2005, 01:00:31 UTC
distance sucks. trust me.


guitar2005sn November 17 2005, 01:01:40 UTC
oh yeah and that DEFINITELY isn't pathetic


lostidentity November 17 2005, 02:26:16 UTC
haha thanks rob :)


xofallen4uox November 17 2005, 03:42:12 UTC
it's okay, i know how you feel;
you get used to it though
& when they come back it's the best.


lostidentity November 17 2005, 19:39:05 UTC

it wont be too bad.. i mean, today im planning on catching up on sleep, tomorrow im going to see HP! with some girlies, and so im kinda excited.

although i really am excited to be able to see him sunday, just because he makes me smile.


hiddenobsession November 17 2005, 21:15:39 UTC
i love you, and nobody should mess with us, because we will RUIN them. hehe. thanks for being there for me these past couple days, it meant a lot love :D im so eeeeexcited to go see harry potter, because i am marrying him, and or maybe ron. i just don't know, cuz ron is a hottie now. mmmmmm delicious. note;;;;; please buy me the harry potter dvds for christmas. you and jill can. haha. and everyone i know. and then we will have HUGE harry pottter parties until we graduate high school. hp is SO the new grind. ppppeace out.


lostidentity November 17 2005, 23:02:17 UTC
hey, whatre friends for?

aaaaaaand yes, hp willl be amazing. the fourth book was my favorite. :D


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