i am so fucking happy right now. i dont even know what brought it along.....i dont remeber the last time i felt this good. im so....i dunno. im ok. im in such a good place in my own head, and it feels amazing. as of right now, nobody can bring me down. no one can make me feel anything short of amazing. and its a good feeling to have.
i think im finally happy...thats sounds so dramatic, and its been a long time coming, its not like ive been all fucked up in the head, but i have some weird feeling of releif. i feel...good. i feel happiness in some form, and its almost foreign to me. in the best kind of way.
so. yes. where do i begin?? im wondering where ill be tomorrow, and the next day. ive changed so much in such a short time...im still searching...looking...but for what?
my feelings are coming back for him....i wish so badly they wouldnt.