(no subject)

Feb 02, 2005 18:48

Yeah. I have no homework at the moment, and I'm bored-ish. So here's a really long survey!

1. First name: Stephanie
2. Middle name: Erin
3. Last name: somethingorother
4. Nickname(s): Steph, Stephy, Kitten
5. Gender: Woman-like
6. Age: 21
7. Birthday: September 7th, 1983
8. Height: 5'1"
9. Hair color: Blonde-light brown-hot pink
10. Eye color: Baloo
11. Race: Child of the Corn.
12. Do you wear glasses or contacts: Contacts
13. Do you have braces: Not currently, although my teeth are crooked again
14. Is your hair long or short: Shorter
15. Where were you born: Peoria, Illinois
16. Current location: Rohnert Park, California
17. Zodiac sign: Virgo
18. How many languages do you know: English, plus odd bits of numerous others.
19. Nationality: American? I'm of German-Swiss-English-Irish-Scottish decent.
20. Bad habits: Procrastination, being a contol freak
21. Piercings you have: Nine in my ears, one in my belly button
22. Piercings you want: I've been considering an industrial in my ear or the cartelage again.
23. Tattoos you have: Chinese character for "dream" on my lower back; blue treble clef and three eighth notes on my lower right shoulder blade.
24. Tattoos you want: I was considering a four-leaf clover on my hip, but too many people are saying that I'm letting Sean brand me, so never mind. Heh.
25. Today's date: February 2, 2005
26. The time: 6:57 PM
27. Ready for a bunch more questions: I wouldn't be doing the survey otherwise.

: favorites :
1. Number: 4
2. Clothing brands: Uh. I like unique-ish clothing.
3. TV show: CSI and Law & Order: SVU
4. Sport: Water polo or baseball
5. Vegetable: Artichokes or squash
6. Fruit: Tangelos
7. Movie: Ferris Bueller's Day Off
8. Magazine: Cosmo, I guess
9. Male celebrity: Zach Braff and Jason Lee
10. Female celebrity: Natalie Portman
11. Candy: Either sour candy or peanut butter and chocolate anything
12. Gum: Extra mint gum
13. Scent: Rain
14. Candy bar: Peanut Butter Twix
15. Ice cream flavor: Cheesecake & oreo crust from Coldstone
16. Color: Blue
17. Season: Winter
18. Holiday: Christmas
19. Band: Oh... Tsunami Bomb these days. Which feels weird.
20. Rapper: I don't like rap.
21. Type of music: The general "rock" genre.
22. Thing in your room: My computer :P
23. Place to be: San Fran or a beach
24. Radio station: I don't listen to the radio
25. TV channel: Whatever shows CSI or L&O.
26. Junk food: Popcorn
27. Store: MAC. Heh.
28. Fast food: Wendy's
29. Restaurant: U&I Sushi
30. Shape: Octagons? Haven't given it much thought, to be completely honest.
31. Time of day: Early evening
32. Country: I've only been to Canada and Mexico, so I don't really have much experience to judge it on.
33. State: California, out of the ones I've visited.
34. Mall: They all kind of blend into one, really. Same stores. Fashion Island is cool.
35. Video game: The Sims. Heh.
36. Board game: Outburst
37. Music video: I like the Franz Ferdinand one for "This Fire."
38. Swear word: GODDAMNIT.
39. Scary movie: The Exorcist was the one that scared me the most, I guess.
40 Team: Anaheim Angels. Since I was 13, bitches.

:have you ever:
1. Flashed someone: Yep.
2. Told the person you liked how you felt: More often than I should have.
3. Been to Michigan: No, actually.
4. Gotten really REALLY wasted: Once, and I don't need to repeat the experience.
5. Gone to jail or juvy: Nope.
6. Skateboarded: Not really. I tried to learn, but... yeah.
7. Skinny dipped: Indeed.
8. Stolen anything: A pack of gum when I was 3
9. Broke someones bone: Um. No.
10. Kicked someone's ass: A brother's.
11. Pegged someone in the head with a snowball: Hahaha totally.
12. Broken a beer bottle: Spilled, not broken.
13. Gotten into a bar, under-aged: Nah. Didn't really have an interest in it.
14. Kissed someone of the same sex: Yes
15. Make out with someone of the same sex: On a dare
16. Flipped someone off: Probably
17. Gone on a road trip: Short ones
18. Gone on vacation without adult supervision: A mini one. To Fresno. Ha.
19. Been to a concert: Many
20. Been to another country: Canada y Mexico
21. Talked back to an adult: I'd imagine I have
22. Got pulled over: Nope. Knock on wood.
23. Got in a car accident: Yeah... hit by a semi. Which sounds way worse than it was.
24. Broke a law: Yep.
25. Given money to a homeless person: Not much, but yes
26. Tried to kill yourself: Negatory
27. Cried to get out of trouble: I'd imagine so
28. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: Nah
29. Kissed a brother or sister: Not in a freaky way
30. Dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyway: Probably, but not if it was overly disgusting or there for a prolonged period of time.

: what did you do :
1. Last birthday: On the day before my birthday, I went out to dinner with Lauren, Ang, Sean, Nic, and Jerry and we went out at midnight to buy my first alcoholic drink; on the day of I didn't really do anything; and the weekend after I had my birthday party. Mucho fun.
2. Yesterday: Slept till ten, went to yoga, came home, showered/ate, went to WGS 375, came home, watch TV with Lauren, and went to Sean's to do homework and hang out.
3. Christmas: Got up early and opened presents with Dad's side of the family and basically just hung out.
4. Thanksgiving: Flew to Illinois for a day to see my Mom's side of the family. Heh.
5. New year's eve: Just hung out at home with the folks. I'm getting too old for that party thing.
6. Halloween: The night before, I went to Schell, Aaron and Jeff's partay.
7. Easter: Whole lot of nothing.
8. Valentine's day: Again with the whole lot of nothing.

: the last :
1. Thing you ate: Subway sandwich
2. Thing you drank: Diet Coke
3. Thing you wore: Jeans, gray embroaidered top, blue zip-up sweatshirt
4. Place you went: School (zaum)
5. Thing you got pierced/tattooed: My shoulder blade (tattoed)
6. Person you saw: Lauren
7. Person you kissed: Sean
8. Person you fucked : Woah, vulgar there. But Sean. Or maybe it was that Latin exchange student with the accent and luxurious locks of hair that I met today. Kidding, babe. He was Swedish.
9. Person you talked to: Online, Sean and Alex; physically, Lauren.
10. Song you heard: "Simon" by Lifehouse

: now :
1. What are you eating: Nada
2. What are you drinking: Nothing
3. What are you wearing: Same as described above
4. Any shoes on: Nope
5. Hair: Down and still half pink.
6. Listening to: Lifehouse still
7. Talking to anyone: Not currently
8. Are you pissed I made this so long: I chose to do it, so no.

: yes or no :
1. Are you a vegetarian: No
2. Do you like cows: I like moocows :D
3. Are you a bitch: I'm sure I can be on occassion
4. Are you artistic: Very much so
5. Do you write poetry: Indeed
6. Are you a fast runner: If I have to be, but not normally
7. Can you ski: Yep
8. Are you british: Sadly, no
9. Do you want to spear britney: I want her to find something else to do with herself.
10. Do the voices talk to you: They told me to take this survey.
11. Did you ever: do a little dance, make a little love, and get down tonight? Down tonight?
12. Would you eat mac & cheese with hot dogs in it: Sure
13. Do you think disney creators were on acid when they made 'alice in wonderland': They based it on the book. I think Lewis Carrol may have been on hallucinagens, yes.
14. Are you straight: Almost boringly so
15. Are you stupid: I have my moments
16. Are you fat: No. And is it sad that I think that sounds stuck up? Stupid society.
17. Are you skinny: I'm slim.
18. Are you short: Yar.
19. Are you tall: Definitely not.
20. Do you own a hot pink shirt: Hahahaha yes. With Jem on it.
21. How about orange pants: No. Those I do not own.
22. Can you see the flying monkeys: Maybe.
23. Are you evil: Depends on who you ask.
24. Did you ever know someone who had a mullet: Haha. Yeah.
25. Is britney a whore: Being a whore would mean she was being paid for sex. Depending on what spin you take, that may or may not be true.
26. Are you a teenage zombie: Not a teenager anymore
27. Am i annoying you: I'm not that easily annoyed
28. Do you like marilyn manson: Not his music, but he's an interesting person
29. Are you secretly from another planet: *zaps you*
30. Do you shop at hot topic: On occassion because the shirts are fun.

: random questions :
1. If you could be any animal, what would you be: A kitten. Go figure!
2. Do you remember any of your dreams: Most of them
3. Do you dream in color or black and white: In color
4. Do you admit when you need help with a problem: Sometimes
5. Can people read you like a book: Apparently not
6. What's your biggest fear: Being alone or not knowing what to do with myself
7. Do you talk a lot: On occassion
8. Are you afraid of clowns: They're not natural. Well, duh, but they're... off.
9. Do you like spiders: I'm not fond of them, but I don't loathe them.
10. How about grape kool-aid: I guess
11. Are you spoiled: Yeah
12. Are you anti-social: Not generally
13. Do you see dumb people: Many a time
14. Do you see dead people: I hope not
15. Any last words: ... nah.
16. Now that this is over, what are you going to do: Eat something.
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