full name: Stephanie Erin Somethingorother
birthdate: September 7th, 1983
address: Northern Cali. If I want you to know more, you do.
phone: Ha, no.
cell phone: No again.
hair colour: Dark blonde/hot pink
eye colour: Baloo
fave hobby: Graphic design or anything music related
coolest colour combo: Orange & blue
hottest hair do: Short, messy and teased
fave class: Currently it's Intro to Poetry
least fave class: Currently, Language & Ethnicity. Although it's not that bad.
fave card game: Heh, Spoons is a good answer. Or five card draw.
allowance: HA.
fave stores: Music stores
fave clothing: Shirts full of hilarity or bands.
fave tv shows: Scrubs, Gilmore Girls, Family Guy
fave movies: Ferris Bueller, most 80's comedies, TMNT, Lion King, What Dreams May Come, Garden State
fave books: Lamb, The Princess Bride, Bridge of Birds
celebrity hottie: Zach Braff
fave #: 4
fave theme park: Zoos. Haha.
fave brand: Don't have one. I wear things I like.
fave sports: Water polo, baseball, swimming.
fave animal: Caaaats. Rowr.
collects: CD's, clever shirts, souls
rise and shine: about an hour before I have to be somewhere
fave food: popcorn
fave veggie: artichokes or sqaush
fave fruit: tangelos
fave gum flavor: wintergreen
fave colours: blue and most cool colors
holiday of choice: Christmas...?
wishlist: More music, my own house, world peace... souls....
insturment: Guitar & piano
career goal: Something in writing, editing/publishing, or music.
fave singer: Jeremy Kay
fave band: Tsuanami Bomb, Adam and the Ants, etc.
fave actor: Zach Braff
fave actress: Natalie Portman
ice cream: Cheesecake with oreo crust & Snickers from ColdStone.
fave candy: Peanut Butter Twix
fave soda: Diet Coke
whats ur religion?: Church of I Don't Have One
crush: Sven. I MEAN SEAN.
best friends: Lauren, Roxy, Ang, Sean, Jessica, Mike, Kandice