Sep 28, 2005 21:07
today was a good day. nothing exciting happened. i have no new insights and nothing interesting to say. so basically this entry was pointless. o wait... here- get on your knees and pray. alot of stuff is happening in people's lives right now. i cannot believe all the stuff that's going on. wow just pray. love you. i'm praying for all yall.
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Comments 7
Do you think that like EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Like I know God predestines everything and supposedly everything that happens is controlled by him (or everything has a reason) but like if you drop a pencil and pick it up, is there really a purpose. Did God plan that out for your life? And when you have random pointless days, is there really a purpose or did God plan it out? I realize that's SO random, but it's one of my questions in life and I would like to hear your thoughts--i figure u might have an interesting perspective since you are spiritually wise and whatnot. Anyway see you tomorrow.
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