
Sep 28, 2005 21:07

today was a good day. nothing exciting happened. i have no new insights and nothing interesting to say. so basically this entry was pointless. o wait... here- get on your knees and pray. alot of stuff is happening in people's lives right now. i cannot believe all the stuff that's going on. wow just pray. love you. i'm praying for all yall.


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Comments 7

anonymous September 28 2005, 19:55:40 UTC
hey-haha rreally this comment is pointless too!i just saw that none had said anything yet so i felt comppelled to do so!haha but my love for you is not just being compeled to lv you as a cuz i really do! hey have you heard any of U2's music? you should really chek it out if you havnt-it has been one of my fav bands since i was born!(im serious!) so i luv you!bye!!!!!!!


lostnabigworld4 September 28 2005, 19:57:39 UTC
sorry but i cannot stand U2. i know so sue me. i do not like them. but thats k our music tastes really differ. love u. have u found a team to play homecoming yet?



anonymous September 28 2005, 20:12:47 UTC
hhhhmmm. well i dont know if we can be friends anymore!!hahaha no im just kidding cuz im totaly big on some of the songs and bands you like. but hey u2 are christians-and are attempting to change the world for the better so hey i luv em! bbut no haha we didnt find a team so we are just postponing it to our next home game. funny people those homeschoolers. well i luv you!!


laneypants07 September 28 2005, 20:51:18 UTC
extremely random question caroline...but I'm just in one of those moods so:
Do you think that like EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Like I know God predestines everything and supposedly everything that happens is controlled by him (or everything has a reason) but like if you drop a pencil and pick it up, is there really a purpose. Did God plan that out for your life? And when you have random pointless days, is there really a purpose or did God plan it out? I realize that's SO random, but it's one of my questions in life and I would like to hear your thoughts--i figure u might have an interesting perspective since you are spiritually wise and whatnot. Anyway see you tomorrow.


lostnabigworld4 September 28 2005, 21:05:56 UTC
yea i do believe that everything has a purpose. u are in a exact place at the exact time for whatever reason. like what if u are 5 minutes late leaving and that made u avoid an accident that u could have been in. now its totally impossible to prove that until we get to heaven but u always hear stories, well for ex. the certain people who got sick on sept 11 and didnt go into work. there is a purpose. now with picking up a pencil there may or may not be a purpose. what if u had already dropped ur pencil 10 times already and God is trying to teach u patience. maybe picking up that pencil leads to u having a different day than u would have had if u hadnt dropped ur pencil. i think we need to look through the perspective of what is God trying to teach me. although i dont put to much stock in it b/c its like how is choosing between chocolate or vanilla cake going to affect my life. i think if u live like that it turns into being legalistic and that is not what God wants. so i do believe there is a purpose for every cotton-pickin thing in ( ... )


laneypants07 September 28 2005, 21:13:58 UTC
i see...good answer


laneypants07 September 29 2005, 16:44:42 UTC
wow-good perspective.i luv the part about if you drop ur pencil like 10 times God could be testing ur patience!luv it. ur wise beyond ur years babe. hey dont forget something important-just remeber that verse that says "there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven." also, "i know the plans i have for you..." so yeah he knows ur gonna drop ur pencil or pick the vanilla cake. so hey theres my insight for the day.i luv you!!!


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