so last night was homecoming. it was fun although it didnt feel like homecoming. i think is was too hot. the night started with dinner at Don pepe's which was really good. then we went to the game and everyone looked beautiful. helen showed up late and looked gorgeous. she took this guy named andrew pearson and i really like the kid. he was awesome
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Comments 16
but me n zack had fun eating dinner and waltzing around in fresh market looking at all the random funny things and eating coffee beans
i still wish i could have gone
<3 [em]
-you and larissa like for real MADE MY NIGHT!! haha im not joking. (i was not in a very "ooh this is going to be fun!" kind of mood haha but thank you so much yall were so sweet-i know i told yall this already but that was probably the sweetest thing said to me all night-haha you beat my date saying beautiful haha. but thank you again yall made my night.
i love you!
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