awwwww! AmandaMarie, that is sooo sweet, you are truly my best friend, but of course you already no that, You have always been there for me in the past couple years, and youve never let me down. Ive always been able to count on you through everything, through all the tough times and through all the good times. You are my other half, my cousin, my best friend, my hero. I love all the times that we spend together, seriously! how wouldnt i be able to?! through the rough times when i have been balling my eyes out you were the only one who could make my tears go all away, and when i was happy and i couldnt stop laughing, you were there who made me laugh harder. through our trips to south berwick or our trips to wendys, its always been the best with you.
I love you amandamarieforeverandalwaysandinothatyouwillalwaysnothatandnothatiwillalwaysbehereforyouandifyoueverneedanythingwellyounothatillbehere I love you
Comments 2
I love you
I love you
love always - TinekaMarie
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