Main Entry: in·tro·vert·ed Pronunciation: 'in-tr&-"v&rt-&d Variant: also in·tro·vert /'in-tr&-"v&rt/ Function: adjective : marked by or suggesting introversion ; broadly : being a reserved or shy person
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Are you finding yourself to be very bored? possibly procratinating something? do you also wonder what the hell is up with Daylight Savings Time? Well I have found a very extensive answer to that question. ( cut for those who dont care )
Working rehersals are going well, but transportation is killing me. (if you forgot about this musical, "working" that Im in, I will remind you)
( Is it an lj-cut? Not quite... )Anyway, the theatre is Youth Theatre Northwest, which is on Mercer Island. Normally if I were to get a ride it would be about 10-20 minutes depending on traffic.
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Today I had an ok day, I went to church. Im such a good little Lutheran. My phone vibrated right in the middle of it, Karen was calling to see if we could hang out. So when I got home we called Michael and went over to his house. Michael's house is starting to get boring. All he ever does is play grand theft auto, so we decided to take the bus down
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Anyone want to go with me to the Unversity book store tomorrow? Rikki maybe? Or anyone else? Please let me know, Id raher not go alone, or worse, with my mother.