Idea stolen from doubtfulwhisper & lullabylucky. I didn't do this list just because I wanted to bash pairings and shit like that, I just did it for my own enjoyment and for people who would like to friend me
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Peyton and Jake together was so amazing. I can't believe Peyton was stupid enough to dream of Lucas in front of Jake. I miss these OTH days.
Hmm, about Harry and Ginny... the only thing I like about them is the way Harry feels towards her, especially during HBP, the fights inside his head, SO FUNNY. But, really, I can't PICTURE them together, and I always thought Ginny was a tad annoying. I don't know. I just really don't like them at all. Although, I have no problem with the people who ship them :)
Evangeline ♥ She makes me proud to be Canadian. Her arms are the best thing ever.
Salut :) ♥ Je deviens euh... bah, je sais pas vraiment, sincèrement. Les études vont... pas super bien mais ça pourrait franchement être pire. On va dire que j'me plains pas vraiment vu que c'est ma dernière année au secondaire à étudier des conneries qui ne me serviront à rien puisque l'année prochaine je m'en vais en journalisme et je vais voir que des trucs biens. :)
Comments 63
Btw, how far are you into Twilight, now ?
Also I will not even lie to you for a second, Evangeline Lilly is so hot. Her arms are ridic.
Hmm, about Harry and Ginny... the only thing I like about them is the way Harry feels towards her, especially during HBP, the fights inside his head, SO FUNNY. But, really, I can't PICTURE them together, and I always thought Ginny was a tad annoying. I don't know. I just really don't like them at all. Although, I have no problem with the people who ship them :)
Evangeline ♥ She makes me proud to be Canadian. Her arms are the best thing ever.
I thought I was the only one.
I immensely dislike her. I kinda hoped she would die in book seven.
But Fleur and Cedric would make some freaking good looking babies.
que deviens tu ? Les etudes vont bien ?
jte fais des gros gros gros bisous <3
Je deviens euh... bah, je sais pas vraiment, sincèrement.
Les études vont... pas super bien mais ça pourrait franchement être pire. On va dire que j'me plains pas vraiment vu que c'est ma dernière année au secondaire à étudier des conneries qui ne me serviront à rien puisque l'année prochaine je m'en vais en journalisme et je vais voir que des trucs biens. :)
Bisous à toi aussi ma belle ♥
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