Hey Emmi remember that balck and white picture you took of me standing on top of the waterfall at Indian Brook awhile back i was wondering if you still had it and if you could send me a copy of it. That picture was really ausume and i want to show carrie it. Also senfd me your email address again I cant remember if it still Freakzoid 7 or if its changed.
Hey ho, Let's golostprincssofozFebruary 25 2005, 17:51:15 UTC
It's Lostprincessofoz@yahoo.com (I need yours too)
I may still have that pic, I'll check.
BTW GO SEE CONSTANTINE!!!! You'll kick yourself if you don't go see it in theaters!!!!!!!!!! It's totally awesome plus it's about everything you love, demons, god, the devil, angels....it's SO kickass!
Comments 4
I may still have that pic, I'll check.
BTW GO SEE CONSTANTINE!!!! You'll kick yourself if you don't go see it in theaters!!!!!!!!!! It's totally awesome plus it's about everything you love, demons, god, the devil, angels....it's SO kickass!
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