Please provide the link to at least three unstamped applications you have voted on! (You may only skip this if everyone has received a stamp already)
One. Two. Three. Just for the record
Is this your first application here or are you re-applying? (If you are re-applying and DO NOT want to receive the same stamp again, please also state who you've been stamped as before) Re-applying - was previously stamped as Sun.
Which season(s) do you want to get character votes from? Every season except for season three, please. (I somehow missed the entire season and have yet to catch up.)
I want to be voted as [male/female/doesn't matter]: It doesn't matter!
Name: M.
Gender: Female
Date of birth: 6.29.92
Likes: Iced tea, fairy-tales, jazz music, tarot cards, funky jewelry, folk art, funny hats, mary janes, vegetarian tamales, old books, carnivals, christmas lights, marshmallow-fluffed dresses, black and white movies, poetry slams, pug dogs, and lush gardens.
Dislikes: Disrespectful people, routine, commitments, junk food, Bjork.
Describe yourself in 5 words: It's all make believe, isn't it? (Whoops, that was six, now wasn't it?)
(Please provide a short explanation as well)
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic - almost unnaturally so!
Leader or follower? Leader. I'm a natural at it.
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert.
Mature or immature? Actually a bit of both, but far more mature - my interests and disposition can sometimes make people think that I'm a little empty-headed and completely immature, but I have many a moments of excruciatingly deep maturity. (I guess the best way to put it is that I'm not a serious person at all, but I'm undoubtedly mature.)
Violent or peaceful? Peaceful - I'm a stronger speaker than fighter.
Selfish or altruistic? Selfish in a sense - I'll always try to go out of my way to help others, but I know that if I'm not happy there's no possible way that I can make others happy as well.
Rude or polite? Polite. My main pet peeve is people who show disrespect for others without knowing them, or just disrespect in general. My feeling is that everyone else on this sleepy little planet knows at least one thing that you don't, even if it's just something as simple as tying a slipknot or fixing a broken bookshelf, so treat them the way you would treat anyone else who is better than you at something - gently.
Eat here or take away? Eat here. I've never been a fan of take-out - sitting down to eat just gives a meal so much more depth.
What do you consider to be your one very best trait and why? I have the rare talent of being able to pick up almost anything and master it very quickly. I'm self-taught in just about everything I do.
And what do you think is your worst? When I get truly upset I turn terribly callous. Instead of screaming and banging around the country to make my point, I pull away from the situation and drastically sharpen to whoever I'm engaged with. I find small fights rather charming, though, especially since I can stay so level-headed during them - bickering is just a matter of who can say the cleverest thing fastest.
If you could change one thing about yourself or your life, what would it be? Absolutely nothing. I'm happy with who I am, crazy as that sounds. If I didn't make myself happy, who would?
If you could be any inanimate object, what would you be and why? A box. People put so many secrets into them, don't they?
What element do you most identify with and why? Probably a strange mix of air and fire. I alternate between being wild and free, graceful and down-to-earth, wistful and sylphlike and elegant like air, and electric shocked, lively and bright, sweetly aggressive and quick and unwavering like fire.
Providing food and water is not an issue, which three items would you want to have with you on the island? Please elaborate. A book, because I'm not self-entertaining, a satchel, because I'm not a mule, and a gun, because I'm not stupid.
Which Lost character do you personally think is most suited to be everyone’s leader and why? Undoubtedly Locke - he's the only one who has completely put aside his old life and his prejudices to completely devote himself to the Island. He's free of all the other little things that other characters worry about - friends, family, homes - which makes him absolutely unbiased in his decision-making. He's become an extension of the island, worried only about survival, and he knows it better than anyone else.
Would YOU accept this position? Why? Why not? Only if I needed to. I'm a perfectly content leader when need be, but in the case of the Island I think even I know when to back off.
Which Lost character do you least identify with and why? Kate, undoubtedly. She's too insecure with herself, unsure about her world, desperate for company and friendship and love. She always needs something else to be happy, and it usually ends up being another person, so she simply fills her life with strangers and victims to keep herself propped up and on two feet. I'm a very independent person and could never under any circumstances relate to that kind of trait.