Lost Fic Battle 2010!
Aaron, Carole and Liam, daycare
Aaron, drive shaft
Aaron, making a new friend
Aaron and Carole, Claire
Aaron and Carole, Saturday morning cartoons
Aaron and Charlie Pace, woobie
Aaron and Kate, first birthday
Aaron and Kate, orange juice
Abaddon, appointment
Abaddon, lie
Alex, Ben, fairytales are real
Alex, Karl, Rousseau, at the temple
Alex, wisdom
Alex, wake up
Alex and Danielle, Robert
Alex and Juliet, mother figure
Amy and Juliet, friends
Ana Lucia, angels and demons
Ana Lucia, doll
Ana Lucia, saved
Arzt, the Internet is for porn
Bea Klugh, fear
Ben (young), Jack, at least you aren't my father
Ben, Charles, building and burning
Ben, Sayid, fedora, MacCutcheon
Ben, all his lies are always wishes
Ben, the last days of DHARMA
Ben, too many bunnies
Ben, winner at a losing game
Ben, darkness
Ben, he always hated Christmas
Ben and Charles, as the saying goes
Ben and Jack, heroes and villains
Ben and Juliet, drawing lines
Ben and Kate, strawberries
Ben and Locke, for once in your life
Ben and Locke, Of time travelling bunnies and resurrecting from the dead
Ben and Locke, inkstains
Ben and Richard, Waking up in The Temple
Ben and Roger, silver lining
Boone, Solitude
Boone, someone else's wedding
Carmen, Hurley, Hot Pocket, numbers, Vincent
Carole and Claire, tell me about my father
Cassidy and Clementine, bedtime story
Charles Widmore, schadenfreude
Charles Widmore, "Dan, I am your father"
Charles and Penny, guilt
Charlie, I heard that song before
Charlie Hume, boat
Charlie Hume, drugs
Charlie Hume, grandparents
Charlie Hume, it runs in the family
Charlie Hume and Desmond, hunting expedition
Charlie Hume and Desmond, wait in the car
Charlie Pace, early morning
Charlie and Hurley, guitar lessons
Charlie and Jacob, swimming lessons
Charlie and Liam, fighting over the same girl
Charlotte, Daniel, and Miles, don’t go back
Charlotte, Daniel, Frank and Miles, war stories
Charlotte, Naomi and Regina, circumstance
Charlotte, introduction
Charlotte, shipwrecked
Charlotte, gun-for-hire
Charlotte, left behind
Charlotte, origin
Charlotte and Jin, learning to speak Korean
Christian, the goodbyes he never said
Claire, Aaron, rise and shine
Claire, alone
Claire, awakening
Claire, jungle, knife, alone
Claire, nosebleed
Claire, sacrifice
Claire and Jacob, they met before the crash
Claire and Kate, he's my son, you're just his mother
Clementine, compound
Clementine, daddies little girl
Clementine, leaving on a jet plane
Clementine, mother
Clementine, on the run
Clementine, song
Daniel, Desmond and Penny, giving thanks
Daniel, breaking with tradition
Daniel, going nowhere at full speed
Daniel, high
Daniel, hostage
Daniel, i swear i knew it all along
Daniel, never name a labrat after your mother
Daniel, not sure how this is supposed to feel
Daniel, princess
Daniel, science and progress
Daniel, this has all happened before
Daniel, time loop
Daniel and Desmond, bachelor party
Daniel and Desmond, family ties
Daniel and Penny, coincidence
Desmond, Dickens
Desmond, I’m home
Desmond, chocolate ice cream
Desmond, fight or flight
Desmond, run
Desmond, save yourself
Desmond and Liam, condolences
Desmond and Libby, the sailing race
Eko, salvation
Eko, water
Eloise, off the island waiting for Daniel
Esau, fools
Esau, where there's smoke there's fire
Esau and Jacob, poison
Esau and Jacob, written in blood
Esau and Sawyer, sell your soul
Ethan, Juliet, he recognizes her from the photographs
Ethan, hero-worshipping Ben
Ethan, the Purge
Frank, "this wasn't in the brochure"
Frank, fate
Frank, fear
Frank, resignation
Goodwin, too much love will kill you
Harper and Libby, they trained as therapists together
Harper, I hate you
Hurley, Sun, keeping in touch
Hurley, disco
Hurley, Gilligan's Island
Hurley, scaredy cat
Hurley, a good deed that went wrong
Hurley, must be my lucky day
Hurley and Miles, killing time
Hurley and Sawyer, theories
Hurley and Sawyer, we'll always have Otherville
Ilana, as long as he needs me
Isabelle, Juliet/Tom, branded
Jack, Mirror
Jack, This place we live/it is not where we belong
Jack, bachelor pad
Jack, every step you take
Jack, last man standing
Jack, needles
Jack, that idea might make a stupid idea feel better about itself
Jack, overdose
Jack, post-O6 rescue, he meets up with any family member/friend of someone who didn't make it off the island
Jack and Sawyer, "how about we flip for it"
Jacob, flashlight
Jacob, last words
Jacob, the end of time
Jacob, It's all for a reason
Jacob, empty
Jacob and Miles, pay back
Jin, Miles, and Sawyer, band of brothers
Jin, grid, baby, van
Juliet, Cause every good thing I had Abandoned me
Juliet, I want to fall hopelessly in love
Juliet, Tomorrow is yours
Juliet, Winter blooms
Juliet, becoming
Juliet, before the island
Juliet, betrayal
Juliet, falling away
Juliet, ghosts
Juliet, girl in the war
Juliet, haunted
Juliet, leaving this place
Juliet, tales from the motor pool
Juliet, I know how to do this
Juliet, martyr
Juliet, mechanics
Juliet, wash away
Juliet and Kate, friendship, motor pool
Juliet and Kate, I know him so well
Juliet and Rachel, fight
Juliet and Rachel, tell me the truth
Juliet and Rachel, what happened to you?
Kate, I would do it again
Kate, Paris in winter
Kate, angel
Kate, behind a mask
Kate, blending in
Kate, fierce lies
Kate, try again
Kate, what goes around, comes around
Kate, last one standing
Kate, lost
Kate, unrepentant
Kate and Sarah, now that I've seen her
Kate and Sun, “Once when I was a little girl I believed that when I found the man I loved I would be happy forever”
Kevin, Australia
Liam, relapse
Locke, ashes to ashes
Locke, watching
Locke, wrong
Michael and Walt, are we there yet?
Michael, hands clean
Michael, who will you be tomorrow?
Mikhail, there are none so blind as those who will not see
Miles, "if one more person mentions that song"
Miles, anybody out there?
Miles, careful what you wish for
Miles, chess
Miles, ghost stories
Miles, thats why I hate country music
Nadia, travel the world
Oceanic 6, nightmares
Oceanic 6, paparazzi
Penny, He never returns
Penny, overheard conversations
Penny and Rachel, you can find anyone
Pierre, this is how it ends
Rachel, never giving up hope
Random polar bear and Vincent, this island is crazy
Richard, Awareness
Richard, promises
Richard, tomorrow
Richard, arrival
Sawyer, And all the mothers raise their babies to stay away from me.
Sawyer, Coffee
Sawyer, driving in the dark
Sawyer, fake ID
Sawyer, lawyers, guns and money
Sawyer, five people he visited off-island in the 70s
Sawyer, meditations in an emergency
Sawyer, this is who I am
Sayid, hair straightener
Sayid, language
Sayid, secret agent
Sayid, vanish
Sayid, when in Rome
Shannon, Lazy Days
Shannon, ballet
Shannon, beach
Shannon, broken
Shannon, cross my heart and hope to die
Shannon, leggings
Shannon, model
Shannon, pot
Shannon, pregnant
Shannon, sheer
Shannon, sparkles
Shannon, wedding
Shannon, what might have been
Shannon, will you still love me tomorrow?
Sun, blindfolded
Sun, clothes, black, laugh
The Economist, Berlin at dawn
Tom, escape
Walt, he finds out about the rescue of the O6
Walt, I didn't mean it
Walt, silencing the ghosts
Walt, sins of the father
Walt, you already know how this will end
Walt and the Others, they're more scared of you than you are of them
Widmore, absentee father
Aaron/Clementine, crowded
Aaron/Clementine, finishing what their parents started
Aaron/Clementine, hiding from the others
Aaron/Clementine, playing house
Aaron/Clementine, the sins of the fathers
Aaron/Clementine, what happens in vegas
Aaron/Clementine, when the dog bites/when the bee stings
Aaron/Ji Yeon, barer of bad news
Aaron/Ji Yeon, faith
Aaron/Ji Yeon, playing cards
Aaron/Kate, peanut butter
Alex/Hurley, cuddling
Alex/Jack, the other side of the world
Alex/Jack, virgin
Alex/Karl, He promised her he would never love another girl as long as he lived.
Alex/Karl, movies
Alex/Karl, sneaking out
Alex/Richard, 'i was a lover of time, and once she was mine'
Alex/Richard, alleyway
Alex/Richard, all the above
Alex/Richard, cavern
Alex/Richard, her roots were sweet, but they were so shallow
Alex/Richard, human
Alex/Richard, pistachio
Alex/Richard, postcard
Alex/Richard, scrubbed clean
Alex/Richard, tree house
Alex/Richard, things were so much simpler before
Alex/Richard, when i was young i knew most everything
Alex/Sawyer, 'look what the cat drug in'
Alex/Sawyer, coward
Alex/Sawyer, death wish
Alex/Sawyer, in the dark, you could be Kate
Alex/Sawyer, pistol
Alex/Sawyer, tumbler
Amy/Horace, Ethan's first words
Amy/Horace, the ghost of Christmas past
Amy/Jin, understanding
Amy/LaFleur, deception
Ana Lucia/Charlie, it takes one to know one
Ana Lucia/Charlie, the Others
Ana Lucia/Christian, the things we don’t talk about
Ana Lucia/Eko, hang your head
Ana Lucia/Gault, dirty hands
Ana Lucia/Goodwin, nothing to hide
Ana Lucia/Goodwin, survival of the fittest
Ana Lucia/Jack, consequences
Ana Lucia/Jack, drinking contest
Ana Lucia/Jack, heat
Ana Lucia/Jack, last call
Ana Lucia/Jack, lie like you mean it
Ana Lucia/Jack, regret
Ana Lucia/Jack, swallowed by the sea
Ana Lucia/Jack, we'll have that drink
Ana Lucia/Michael, huddling together for warmth
Ana Lucia/Miles undercover in a gay bar
Ana Lucia/Sawyer, round two
Ana Lucia/Sayid, assassins
Ana Lucia/Sayid, original sin
Annie/Ben, Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl
Annie/Ben, Their love was a secret they told no one.
Annie/Ben, let's run away and never look back
Annie/Ben, pregnancy
Arzt/Nikki, apocalypse
Ben/Danielle, family matters
Ben/Danielle, it’s almost like she’s theirs
Ben/Juliet, beating the crap out of each other
Ben/Juliet, control
Ben/Juliet, dead to me
Ben/Juliet, make a lovely list of your charms
Ben/Juliet, unfinished
Ben/Juliet, ace up your sleeve
Ben/Juliet, you're pathetic
Ben and Goodwin/Juliet, where is your engagement ring?
Bernard/Rose, "Kids these days!"
Bernard/Rose, bodyswap
Bernard/Rose, hair
Bernard/Rose, tea
Bernard/Rose, ceremony
Bernard/Rose, the only sane ones
Boone/Kate, nothing good ever happens past midnight
Boone/Shannon, alive
Boone/Shannon, bury
Boone/Shannon, childhood memories
Boone/Shannon, it’s easier with the lights off
Boone/Shannon, telepathic soul-bonding
Boone/Shannon, you taste like glitter mixed with rock and roll
Carole/Christian, hey stranger
Cassidy/Sawyer, moment of weakness
Cassidy/Sawyer, imagination
Charles/Eloise, blood trail
Charles/Eloise, farewell
Charles/Eloise, home
Charles/Eloise, infamy
Charles/Eloise, hindsight
Charles/Eloise, hope falls and love decays
Charles/Eloise, legacy
Charles/Eloise, unclean
Charles/Eloise, under my skin
Charles/Eloise, you belong to me
Charles/Eloise, it doesn't matter anymore
Charles/Eloise, loaded gun
Charles/Eloise, margin of error
Charles/Eloise, outsider
Charles/Eloise, parting words
Charles/Eloise, spy
Charles/Eloise, succumb
Charles/Eloise, the better part of me
Charles/Eloise, where have I heard that before?
Charlie/Claire, heartless at best
Charlie/Claire, her greatest hits
Charlie/Claire, monsters
Charlie/Claire, pancakes
Charlie/Claire, mourn
Charlie/Claire, music
Charlie/Claire, rehab
Charlie/Claire, reunion
Charlie/Claire, secretly a virgin
Charlie/Claire, swim
Charlie/Kate, second best
Charlie Hume/Clementine, What if we’re just like them?
Charlotte/Daniel, Narnia
Charlotte/Daniel, Oxford
Charlotte/Daniel, anthropology
Charlotte/Daniel, art of science
Charlotte/Daniel, cabin fever
Charlotte/Daniel, electricity
Charlotte/Daniel, heritage
Charlotte/Daniel, something borrowed, something blue
Charlotte/Daniel, you haven't got a clue
Charlotte/Daniel, meet the parents
Charlotte/Daniel, piano
Charlotte/Daniel, role reversal
Charlotte/Daniel, squares
Charlotte/Daniel, stay awake
Charlotte/Daniel, stay where i can see you
Charlotte/Daniel, vertigo
Charlotte/Daniel, what could have been
Charlotte/Daniel, Casablanca
Charlotte/Daniel, expedition
Charlotte/Daniel, letters
Charlotte/Daniel, nearly had you
Charlotte/Daniel, underground
Charlotte/Frank, someone needs to unwind
Charlotte/Miles, revenge
Charlotte/Richard, ancient history
Charlotte/Richard, marks
Charlotte/Sawyer, conning the con man
Charlotte/Sawyer, equals
Charlotte/Sayid, little black dress
Cindy/Jack, one more drink
Cindy/Richard, mission
Claire/Desmond, alive alive alive (heartbeat)
Claire/Desmond, bitter
Claire/Desmond, helicopter
Claire/Desmond, waiting
Claire/Ethan, Ethan's dead wife
Claire/Jack, 'forgive our sins'
Claire/Jack, 'papa died smiling'
Claire/Jack, Aaron, it won't hurt
Claire/Jack, citrus
Claire/Jack, complicated
Claire/Jack, constant reminder
Claire/Jack, cracks
Claire/Jack, doorway
Claire/Jack, finger paints
Claire/Jack, ghost town
Claire/Jack, happy endings
Claire/Jack, hideaway
Claire/Jack, hopeless
Claire/Jack, lightning
Claire/Jack, mud
Claire/Jack, north
Claire/Jack, our story ends before it begins
Claire/Jack, revelation
Claire/Jack, rust
Claire/Jack, sky
Claire/Jack, undone
Claire/Jack, whiskey
Claire/Jack, wolves
Claire/Jack, should you be doing that
Claire/Jack, volunteering
Claire/Miles, "do you believe I'm really here?"
Claire/Miles, crossing over
Claire/Richard, broken lock on our garden wall of eden
Claire/Richard, exiled
Claire/Richard, golden gate bridge
Claire/Sawyer, clover
Claire/Sawyer, dandelion
Claire/Sawyer, escape (anywhere but here)
Claire/Sawyer, fire and ice
Claire/Sawyer, lemonade
Claire/Sawyer, not supposed to
Claire/Sawyer, salty
Claire/Sawyer, save yourselves
Claire/Seth Norris, sorry about the flight
Claire/Sayid, who wouldn't find a shirtless, sweaty man like Sayid attractive?
Clementine/Julian Carlson, Australia
Clementine/Julian Carlson, beach
Clementine/Julian Carlson, forget the past
Clementine/Julian Carlson, med school drop-out and the screw-up
Clementine/Julian Carlson, missing
Clementine/Julian Carlson, on the island
Clementine/Julian Carlson, this isn't so bad
Clementine/Julian Carlson, worry
Colleen/Danny, trust
Daniel/Juliet, inventions
Daniel/Juliet, lab rats
Daniel/Juliet, marks
Daniel/Juliet, office work
Daniel/Kate, dangerous
Daniel/Shannon, welcome to Zombieland
Danielle/Jin, one by one
Danielle/Sayid, Season 1
Danielle/Sayid, breaking point
Danielle/Sayid, frequency
Desmond/Juliet, baby
Desmond/Penny, I always thought of you as my bride
Desmond/Penny, I don't know who I am without you
Desmond/Penny, it's the thought that counts
Desmond/Penny, I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
Desmond/Penny, I will keep your heart with mine
Desmond/Penny, London
Desmond/Penny, a question of faith
Desmond/Penny, family picture
Desmond/Penny, glass
Desmond/Penny, letter
Desmond/Penny, snow angels
Desmond/Penny, underwater
Desmond/Penny, wedding
Edward Mars/Kate, did you think I'd gone away?
Eloise/Richard, at your service
Eloise/Richard, rules
Eloise/Richard, the empress
Eloise/Richard, missed chances
Elsa/Sayid, hair
Frank/Juliet, frequent flyer’s miles
Frank/Juliet, plane manifest
Frank/Sun, abandoned
Frank/Sun, board games
Frank/Sun, fuel
Frank/Sun, some serious UST
Frank/Sun, story-telling
Frank/Sun, that was impressive
Goodwin/Juliet, first time
Goodwin/Juliet, they meet again during one of the time shifts
Helen/Locke, you can't hide anything from me
Horace/Richard, negotiating terms of the truce
Hurley/Libby, Santa Rosa
Hurley/Libby, cereal
Hurley/Libby, post-reset, Hurley remembers but Libby doesn't
Hurley/Shannon, genderswap BDSM wing!porn
Hurley/Sun, m!preg
Hurley/Tricia Tanaka, fifteen minutes of fame
Ilana/Jacob, 8th world wonder
Ilana/Jacob, too many words
Ilana/Richard, guilt
Ilana/Richard, the end of the world
Ilana/Sayid, handcuff porn
Ilana/Sayid, revenge!sex
Elevator Love Letter by Stars
Jack/Juliet, Until next time
Jack/Juliet, What Sarah Said
Jack/Juliet, affair
Jack/Juliet, baby
Jack/Juliet, better than before
Jack/Juliet, creation
Jack/Juliet, delusions of grandeur
Jack/Juliet, grieving
Jack/Juliet, happiness
Jack/Juliet, I don't know you
Jack/Juliet, I liked my memories as they were
Jack/Juliet, comatose
Jack/Juliet, walk away
Jack/Juliet, if the world’s going to crumble anyway
Jack/Juliet, it wasn't meant to be this way
Jack/Juliet, lifeboat
Jack/Juliet, luck of the draw
Jack/Juliet, next time we'll do it better
Jack/Juliet, nursery rhymes
Jack/Juliet, only one of us is in love
Jack/Juliet, porcelain
Jack/Juliet, pretend
Jack/Juliet, pride
Jack/Juliet, razor
Jack/Juliet, reproach
Jack/Juliet, silver spoon
Jack/Juliet, three weeks in a cast
Jack/Juliet, time to go
Jack/Juliet, understood
Jack/Juliet, winter
Jack/Juliet, you remind me of someone
Jack/Kate, We’re not okay
Jack/Kate, before the last petal falls
Jack/Kate, cautious display
Jack/Kate, choosing sides
Jack/Kate, cravings
Jack/Kate, need to breathe
Jack/Kate, paralyze
Jack/Kate, this isn't where we intended to be
Jack/Kate, dirt under the rug
Jack/Kate, furniture
Jack/Kate, guilt
Jack/Kate, i came here to make you dance tonight
Jack/Kate, knights without any shining armor
Jack/Kate, leaving
Jack/Kate, nothing satisfies me but your soul
Jack/Kate, paparazzi
Jack/Kate, please and thank you
Jack/Kate, priorities
Jack/Kate, temporary amnesia
Jack/Kate, urban legends
Jack/Shannon, First Class
Jack/Sun, 'there are things we can't recall'
Jack/Sun, crave
Jack/Sun, dependable
Jack/Sun, eve
Jack/Sun, hotel
Jack/Sun, role reversals
Jack/Sun, thunderstorm
Jack/Sun, wicked
Jae Lee/Sun, I've come back for you
Jin/Juliet, Left Behind
Jin/Sun, Albuquerque
Jin/Sun, English lessons
Jin/Sun, rewind and replay
Jin/Sun, sun and moon
Jin/Sun, sushi
Jin/Sun, you're not who I thought you were
Juliet/Locke, Others, birds
Juliet/Kevin, it doesn’t matter who we were
Juliet/Miles, Dharma Duo
Juliet/Miles, last
Juliet/Miles, making do
Juliet/Miles, Teasing
Juliet/Miles, things to do on the island when you're dead
Juliet/Richard, Dharma, night
Juliet/Richard, barracade
Juliet/Richard, skin
Juliet/Richard, time
Juliet/Richard, unrequited
Juliet/Sawyer, 15th day in Dharma
Juliet/Sawyer, Are we lovers or we just friends?
Juliet/Sawyer, But my hands remember hers
Juliet/Sawyer, Dharma wine
Juliet/Sawyer, Grab your bags and a picture of where we met/All that we leave behind is all that’s left
Juliet/Sawyer, I'll be with you in your weakest moments
Juliet/Sawyer, I've done this before
Juliet/Sawyer, I have a daughter
Juliet/Sawyer, I keep falling for you
Juliet/Sawyer, I know I'll see you again
Juliet/Sawyer, I miss who we were
Juliet/Sawyer, I will follow you into the dark
Juliet/Sawyer, Love is
Juliet/Sawyer, Ghosts
Juliet/Sawyer, I'll never give up on you
Juliet/Sawyer, Tasers and fish biscuits
Juliet/Sawyer, a reason to stay
Juliet/Sawyer, fresh start
Juliet/Sawyer, On Saturday night
Juliet/Sawyer, Scary movie
Juliet/Sawyer, Star Wars
Juliet/Sawyer, Thought I'd lost you
Juliet/Sawyer, Visions Of Johanna
Juliet/Sawyer, adventurous
Juliet/Sawyer, always something there to remind me
Juliet/Sawyer, bed
Juliet/Sawyer, circle
Juliet/Sawyer, cold feet
Juliet/Sawyer, disappear
Juliet/Sawyer, domestic bliss
Juliet/Sawyer, do you really feel alive without me?
Juliet/Sawyer, everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.
Juliet/Sawyer, everything will be okay
Juliet/Sawyer, fell in love
Juliet/Sawyer, fireworks
Juliet/Sawyer, first aid
Juliet/Sawyer, first time we met
Juliet/Sawyer, hate to see you go
Juliet/Sawyer, holding hands
Juliet/Sawyer, home
Juliet/Sawyer, ice cream
Juliet/Sawyer, if you pretend to be Kate, I'll pretend to be Jack
Juliet/Sawyer, killing zombies
Juliet/Sawyer, kitchen
Juliet/Sawyer, last kiss
Juliet/Sawyer, last night in Dharmaville
Juliet/Sawyer, maps
Juliet/Sawyer, morning
Juliet/Sawyer, motel
Juliet/Sawyer, movie script ending
Juliet/Sawyer, moving in
Juliet/Sawyer, nightmares
Juliet/Sawyer, ocean
Juliet/Sawyer, photograph
Juliet/Sawyer, play
Juliet/Sawyer, rain
Juliet/Sawyer, scar
Juliet/Sawyer, sick
Juliet/Sawyer, start again
Juliet/Sawyer, tease
Juliet/Sawyer, that's not how I remember it
Juliet/Sawyer, the myth of us never ends
Juliet/Sawyer, the open road
Juliet/Sawyer, the rope
Juliet/Sawyer, they’re running for the shadows
Juliet/Sawyer, things that haven't happened yet
Juliet/Sawyer, this place is a prison
Juliet/Sawyer, to die by your side would be such a heavenly way to die
Juliet/Sawyer, train wreck
Juliet/Sawyer, two weeks
Juliet/Sawyer, undisclosed
Juliet/Sawyer, we'll be here for 20 years or maybe more
Juliet/Sawyer, we always find each other
Juliet/Sawyer, wearing his shirt
Juliet/Sawyer, what just happened?
Juliet/Sawyer, you never know when that last time will be
Juliet/Sawyer, “Don’t let’s ask for the moon. We have the stars.”
Juliet/Sayid, best-sellers
Juliet/Sayid, regrets
Juliet/Sayid, scars
Juliet/Sayid, we could be happy here
Kate/Kevin, I can spell confusion with a K
Kate/Kevin, I thought you were dead
Kate/Locke, crazy, New Otherton
Kate/Miles, alternative
Kate/Miles, "Taco night? I love taco night."
Kate/Richard, darkness
Kate/Richard, fire
Kate/Richard, never thought it would be you
Kate/Richard, sleeping with the enemy
Kate/Sawyer, Bad Romance
Kate/Sawyer, Dharma wine
Kate/Sawyer, I know what you did last summer
Kate/Sawyer, I want to be with somebody else
Kate/Sawyer, Lucy
Kate/Sawyer, boar hunting
Kate/Sawyer, bookends
Kate/Sawyer, carte blanche
Kate/Sawyer, close
Kate/Sawyer, diner food
Kate/Sawyer, going (really) evil
Kate/Sawyer, good cop/bad cop
Kate/Sawyer, holy grail
Kate/Sawyer, it's always been you
Kate/Sawyer, it will never be you
Kate/Sawyer, masks
Kate/Sawyer, naming dumb stars
Kate/Sawyer, sit back and watch the bed burn
Kate/Sawyer, somewhere in Mexico
Kate/Sawyer, stones
Kate/Sawyer, submission
Kate/Sawyer, taking bets
Kate/Sawyer, I can teach you
Kate/Sawyer, chance meeting in a bar
Kate/Sawyer, not what you think
Kate/Sawyer, pictures
Kate/Sawyer, rescued
Kate/Sawyer, thought I'd never see you again
Kate/Sawyer, two steps behind
Kate/Sawyer, the lies we tell ourselves
Kate/Sawyer, there's no redemption here
Kate/Sawyer, three things a woman never wants to hear
Kate/Sawyer, two truths and a lie
Kate/Sawyer, unforgiven
Kate/Sawyer, victory march
Kate/Sayid, back when it could have been easy to fall in love with you
Kate/Sayid, hurt/comfort
Kate/Sayid, pretending to be married
Kate/Sayid, survival
Kate/Sayid, takes one to know one
Kate/Sayid, ask too much
Kate/Sayid, roadtrip
Kate/Sayid, the past is the past
Kate/Sayid, there's always a choice
Kate/Sayid, thwarting the death penis
Kate/Sayid, we have to stop meeting like this
Kate/Sayid, what could have been
Kate/Tom, spelling bee
Lara/Pierre, jazz vs. country music
Marc/Sarah, the crash of Ajira Flight 316
Michael/Sun, 'on my knees and out of luck, i look up'
Michael/Sun, birds
Michael/Sun, bullets
Michael/Sun, in the bottom of your heart you don't love no one
Michael/Sun, never
Michael/Sun, permanence
Miles/Juliet, "you'll do"
Miles/Juliet, sarcasm
Miles/Naomi, code
Nadia/Sayid, cover story
Nadia/Sayid, freedom
Nadia/Sayid, nightmares
Nadia/Sayid, how did it come to this?
Naomi/Sayid, this is what a war looks like
Nikki/Paulo, "I hate to brag, but..."
Nikki/Paulo, I told you so
Richard/Sun, arch
Richard/Sun, thief
Sawyer/Shannon, familiar
Sawyer/Shannon, flirting
Sawyer/Shannon, what happens here, stays here
Sawyer/Sun, on a foggy night, an abandoned road
Sawyer/Sun, scarf
Sawyer/Sun, the garden you planted
Sayid/Shannon, baby jars (au, off island)
Sayid/Shannon, oranges (au, off island)
Sayid/Shannon, phone sex
Sayid/Sun, aisle
Sayid/Sun, one shot
Aaron/Charlie Hume, another lifetime
Aaron/Charlie Hume, a separate peace
Ben/Esau, What they denied you, I will provide
Ben/Jack, "you're mine"
Ben/Jack, AU Margo dies and Christian becomes a Dharma doctor
Ben/Jack, genderswap, sea glass
Ben/Jack, symbiosis
Ben/Jacob, “What about you?”
Ben/Jacob, This is all about you
Ben/Locke, Back to nature
Ben/Locke, extension cord
Ben/Locke, head on, no collision
Ben/Locke, hope for every fallen man
Ben/Locke, i'm counting on a heart i know by heart to lead me through this war
Ben/Richard, the fine line between want and need
Ben/Richard, Different rhythms
Ben/Richard, Forsaking all others
Ben/Richard, What it is to burn
Ben/Sayid, blowing off steam
Boone/Charlie, amnesia
Boone/Charlie, apologizing
Boone/Charlie, submission
Boone/Jack, UST
Boone/Jack, afterlife
Boone/Jack, don't tell me what I can't do
Boone/Jack, funeral
Boone/Jack, hatch
Boone/Jack, miracle
Boone/Jack, coming clean
Boone/Jack, excuses
Boone/Jack, hunting lessons
Boone/Jack, path
Boone/Jack, pills
Boone/Jack, reset
Boone/Jack, there's only us
Boone/Jack, too much love will kill you
Boone/Sawyer, Thunder storm
Boone/Sayid, you choose as long as you slash them ;)
Charlie/Desmond, apocalypse
Charlie/Desmond, gender swap
Charlie/Desmond, haunted
Charlie/Desmond, mirror
Charlie/Desmond, mistakes
Charlie/Desmond, neck
Charlie/Desmond, that wasn't what I saw
Charlie/Jack, grunge music
Charlie/Miles, welcome to craphole island
Charlie/Sawyer, scarves
Charlie/Sayid, positive influence
Christian/Frank, AA meeting
Daniel/Desmond, 1990 and 2020
Daniel/Desmond, Bedsheets
Daniel/Desmond, constant
Daniel/Desmond, voyeur
Daniel/Frank, it gets lonely on the boat
Daniel/Frank, sea sickness
Daniel/Frank, touches
Daniel/Miles, following orders
Daniel/Miles, haunted
Daniel/Miles, it's cold on the freighter
Daniel/Miles, time travel
Daniel/Miles, logical
Daniel/Miles, one last time before the sub takes off
Daniel/Sawyer, virgin Daniel
Daniel/Sayid, what happens to the women they become involved with
Desmond/Frank, want a drink?
Desmond/Jack, good luck
Desmond/Kelvin, quarantine
Desmond/Liam, they both lost a brother
Desmond/Sawyer, nicknames
Desmond/Sayid, Dulce et Decorum Est
Desmond/Sayid, Sayid is Desmond's constant
Desmond/Sayid, gear
Desmond/Sayid, going to the opera
Desmond/Sayid, he won't (can't) forget Penny, he just needs this
Desmond/Sayid, reunion
Desmond/Sayid, shirts
Desmond/Sayid, system overload
Desmond/Sayid, what happens on the Kahana stays on the Kahana
Eko/Daniel, werewolves mate for life
Esau/Jacob, chess
Esau/Jacob, final lullaby
Esau/Jacob, the island made them do it
Esau/Jacob, the truth about heaven
Esau/Jacob, virgins
Esau/Jacob, what about everything?
Esau/Jacob, when angels fly away
Esau/Miles, if at first you don’t succeed
Frank/Jack, "you could use a break, Jack"
Frank/Jack, definitely not going to Guam
Frank/Richard, misery likes company
Horace/Richard, forbidden
Horace/Richard, midnight rendezvous
Jack/Jacob, Apollo chocolate bar
Jack/Marc, 'where have you been?'
Jack/Marc, cigarettes
Jack/Marc, in your shadow
Jack/Marc, train tracks
Jack/Michael, hurt/comfort
Jack/Richard, AU Jack is found by the Others in the 70s
Jack/Roger Linus, a bribe to keep your mouth shut
Jack/Sawyer, 'i wear the brand of traitor'
Jack/Sawyer, 'when i am king, you'll be first against the wall'
Jack/Sawyer, Jack's Birthday
Jack/Sawyer, Mile-High Club
Jack/Sawyer, Sawyer is a secret neat freak
Jack/Sawyer, Second Best
Jack/Sawyer, Tied to a tree with ropes
Jack/Sawyer, White Paint
Jack/Sawyer, apocalypse
Jack/Sawyer, black gloves.
Jack/Sawyer, make-up sex
Jack/Sawyer, there's so many reasons why we're wrong for each other (and one reason why we're right)
Jack/Sawyer, dancing
Jack/Sawyer, dinner date
Jack/Sawyer, every word was a piece of my heart
Jack/Sawyer, in common
Jack/Sawyer, love is only a feeling
Jack/Sawyer, risk
Jack/Sawyer, when you say nothing at all
Jack/Sayid, can't sleep
Jack/Sayid, respect
Jacob/Richard, 'we are false prophets'
Jacob/Richard, and the radio's playing opera
Jacob/Richard, a new perspective
Jacob/Richard, blood
Jacob/Richard, caves
Jacob/Richard, dust
Jacob/Richard, echo
Jacob/Richard, even the king has bowed his head
Jacob/Richard, immortal
Jacob/Richard, in my image
Jacob/Richard, invincible
Jacob/Richard, madrid
Jacob/Richard, marks
Jacob/Richard, only the dead say they're not scared
Jacob/Richard, pain
Jacob/Richard, rapture
Jacob/Richard, shackles
Jacob/Richard, to die for
Jacob/Richard, you made me this way
Jin/Michael, foreign
Jin/Michael, regret
Jin/Michael, sandpaper
Jin/Michael, stone
Jin/Miles, making the best of it
Jin/Sawyer, forced to share a bed
Jin/Sayid, mistakenly assumed to be gay
Karl/Sawyer, secret crush
Kevin/Sawyer, behind bars
Kevin/Sawyer, buying curtains
LaFleur/Sawyer, author's choice
Liam/Sawyer, down under
Miles/Richard, special
Miles/Richard, this is how we end
Richard/Sawyer, truce
Richard/Sayid, bossy bottom
Sawyer/Sayid, espresso
Scott/Steve, sweet nothings
Amy/Juliet, baby names
Ana Lucia/Juliet, allies
Ana Lucia/Juliet, it’s okay, I’m a doctor
Ana Lucia/Juliet, revenge
Ana Lucia/Kate, LA police frisk
Bonnie/Greta, alone
Bonnie/Greta, "No, Mikhail, you can't watch!"
Charlotte/Juliet, New Otherton
Charlotte/Juliet, blood
Claire/Juliet, assassins
Claire/Juliet, babies
Claire/Juliet, cave in
Claire/Juliet, cross-dressing
Claire/Juliet, fantasy
Claire/Juliet, fragile
Claire/Juliet, night
Claire/Juliet, one of them dyes their hair red
Claire/Juliet, safe
Claire/Juliet, shells
Claire/Juliet, strawberries
Claire/Juliet, sugar
Claire/Kate, island aphrodisiacs
Claire/Kate, the facts were these
Ilana/Sun, you lost someone too?
Juliet/Kate, among the ruins
Juliet/Kate, bitch please
Juliet/Kate, keeping secrets
Juliet/Kate, kiss her or keep her
Juliet/Kate, letting go
Juliet/Kate, prayers answered
Juliet/Kate, somewhere where no one can find us
Juliet/Sarah, commonality
Juliet/Sun, doctor/patient confidentiality
Juliet/Sun, tangled
Juliet/Sun, what i have lost
Kate/Juliet, consolation prize
Kate/Juliet, euphoria
Kate/Juliet, winner takes all
Kate/Penny, Forgive me
Kate/Penny, claustrophobia
Kate/Sun, revenge
Kate/Sun, the truth is all there is
Libby/Nikki, wing!fic
Nadia/Shannon, we're better off without Sayid
Naomi/Regina, I'll always be with you
Aaron/Clementine/Julian, maybe things can be different this time
Aaron/Clementine/Julian, this has all happened before
Ana Lucia/Eko/Libby, sticking together
Ana/Boone/Charlie/Desmond/Eko/Frank/Hurley/Jack/Kate/Libby/Miles/Naomi/Penny/Richard/Sayid/Vincent/Walt, alphabetical order orgy
Ana Lucia/Jack/Juliet, fractured
Boone/Charlie/Jack, healing
Boone/Charlie/Shannon, we’ve been waiting
Boone/Charlie/the smoke monster, tentacle!sex
Charlie/Claire/Ethan, protection
Charlie/Claire/Juliet, family
Charlie/Claire/Juliet, writing
Charlie/Daniel/Desmond, 'What the hell has Paul McCartney got to do with anything?'
Charlie/Desmond/Penny, wedge
Charlie/Desmond/Sayid, possession
Charlie/Liam/Roderick, tour bus
Charlie/Sawyer/Sayid, handcuffs
Charlotte/Daniel/Frank, author's choice
Charlotte/Daniel/Juliet, comfort
Charlotte/Daniel/Juliet, fireworks
Charlotte/Daniel/Juliet, never forget
Charlotte/Daniel/Juliet, science!talk
Charlotte/Daniel/Juliet/Sawyer, 'we're all drowning'
Charlotte/Daniel/Miles, death is not the end
Charlotte/Daniel/Miles, homecoming
Charlotte/Daniel/Miles, freight-y love
Charlotte/Daniel/Miles, playing house
Charlotte/Daniel/Miles/Juliet, heartache
Claire/Daniel/Juliet, careful
Claire/Jack/Sawyer, kentucky
Claire/Jack/Sawyer, make-believe memories
Claire/Jack/Sawyer, new years eve
Claire/Jack/Sawyer, nowhere
Claire/Jack/Sawyer, riverbank
Claire/Jack/Sawyer, bedtime stories
Claire/Jack/Sawyer, sleepwalking
Claire/Jack/Sawyer, stain
Claire/Jack/Sawyer, the music was like electric sugar
Claire/Jack/Sawyer, tomorrow
Claire/Jack/Sawyer, tulsa
Claire/Juliet/Kate, sisters
Claire/Juliet/Sawyer, remember
Claire/Kate/Sawyer, circles in the sand
Daniel/Juliet/Sawyer, relief
Desmond/Frank/Sayid, helicopter
Desmond/Jack/Sawyer, 'So do Scottish men wear anything under their kilts or not?'
Desmond/Juliet/Sawyer, book club
Desmond/Penny/Sayid, dysfunctional family unit
Esau/Jacob/Richard, peace
Gault/Keamy/Naomi, lies
Harper/Goodwin/Juliet, whispers
Jack/Jacob/Richard, the end of time
Jack/Juliet/Kate, at world's end
Jack/Juliet/Kate, skin
Jack/Juliet/Sawyer, musical chairs
Jack/Juliet/Sawyer, i would never
Jack/Juliet/Sawyer, saying good-bye
Jack/Kate/Sawyer, 'Is this the eighth, or ninth time?'
Jack/Kate/Sawyer, 'It's not the end of the world'
Jack/Kate/Sawyer, I never
Jack/Kate/Sayid, morning after
Jacob/Miles/Richard, eternity
Jin/Michael/Sun, 'Explain to him that I do know what I'm doing, will you!
Jin/Michael/Sun, best of both worlds
Jin/Michael/Sun, lost things
Juliet/Kate/Sawyer, resolutions
Juliet/Kate/Sawyer, she's everything you're not
Juliet/Kate/Sawyer, ties that bind
Juliet/Miles/Sawyer, snark
Juliet/Sawyer/Sayid, cold comfort
Juliet/Sawyer/Sayid, trust issues
Kate/Kevin/Sawyer, motel room
Kate/Sawyer/Sayid, the third wheel
Sawyer/Scott/Steve, third wheel
Ben/author's choice, fear well, my one and only
Boone/character of choice, crossdressing
Sayid/character of your choice, it should have been you
any, if Lost were a musical
Crossover Battlestar Galactica: Jack/Six, deception
Crossover with Alias: Sydney/Sayid, tortured, badass, respect
Crossover with Alias: Jack/Anna Espinosa, drowning
Crossover with Alias: Juliet/Vaughn, interrogation
Crossover with Back to the Future, Daniel & Doc Brown, rules of time travel
Crossover with Battlestar Galactica: Anders/Kate, not what you seem
Crossover with Battlestar Galactica: Caprica/Daniel, missing cylon
Crossover with Battlestar Galactica: Caprica/Juliet, metal
Crossover with Battlestar Galactica: Caprica/Locke, what I saw was beautiful
Crossover with Battlestar Galactica: Jack/Starbuck, piano
Crossover with Battlestar Galactica: Jacob/Leoben, all of this has happened before
Crossover with Battlestar Galactica: Roslin/Sawyer, longest con
Crossover with Battlestar Galactica: Sawyer/Starbuck, just passing through
Crossover with Chuck: Boone/Bryce, not keeping feelings in check
Crossover with Chuck: Casey and Sayid (slash or gen, whatever), badassery
Crossover with Chuck: Hurley and Captain Awesome, random meeting at the Buy More
Crossover with Chuck: Sarah/Sawyer, target
Crossover with Doctor Who: Daniel and The Doctor,
Crossover with Doctor Who: Desmond, Desmond is the Doctor
Crossover with Doctor Who: Juliet and Ten, time travel can be fun
Crossover with Dollhouse, Adelle & Juliet, End of the world
Crossover with Dollhouse, Adelle & Juliet, employee
Crossover with Firefly: Mal/Sawyer, conning
Crossover with Flashforward: Charlie Pace/Demetri, impending death
Crossover with Fringe: Daniel/Olivia, more than one of everything
Crossover with Fringe: Jack/Olivia, parallels
Crossover with Fringe: Kate/Peter, run
Crossover with Fringe: Ana Lucia/Charlie, kickback
Crossover with Fringe: Astrid/Sawyer, nicknames
Crossover with Fringe: Juliet/Olivia, red vines
Crossover with Fringe: Olivia/Sayid, ruin
Crossover with Fringe: Walter Bishop, Locke, faith
Crossover with Glee: Sawyer/Rachel Berry, you can't die of evilness
Crossover with Haunted: Ben/Frank Taylor, loss of a child
Crossover with Heroes: Adam/Richard, over the years, constant
Crossover with Heroes: Claire Littleton/Peter, close
Crossover with Heroes: Juliet/Nathan, gravity
Crossover with House: Chase meets Dr. Jack in Australia
Crossover with Inglorious Basterds: Juliet and Shoshanna Dryfus, girls with guns
Crossover with Inglorious Basterds: Richard/Aldo, I don’t fight in basements
Crossover with Inglorious Basterds: Richard/Aldo/Bear Jew, drinking
Crossover with Mad Men: Don/Juliet, You're not my first
Crossover with Mad Men: Don Draper/Richard, out-of-town
Crossover with Mad Men: Joan &Juliet, trying to fit in
Crossover with Mad Men: Joan/Juliet, the other women
Crossover with Mad Men: Joan/Kate, men are easy
Crossover with Supernatural: Dean, Hurley & Sam, “So you guys hunt monsters? That’s cool.”
Crossover with Supernatural, Juliet/Mary Winchester, I just want a normal life
Crossover with Supernatural, Juliet/Mary Winchester, hunter
Crossover with Supernatural: Bella/Miles, I was here first
Crossover with Supernatural: Castiel/Dean/Juliet/Sawyer, double date
Crossover with Supernatural: Castiel/Sayid, good things do happen
Crossover with Supernatural: Dean/Juliet, don’t call me blondie
Crossover with Supernatural: Ellen/Sayid, whiskey
Crossover with Supernatural: Esau/Lucifer, dust beneath our feet
Crossover with Supernatural: Jacob/Lucifer, mirror
Crossover with Supernatural: Jacob/War, what happened to you?
Crossover with Supernatural: Sam/Claire, because I'm still pushing that it would be awesome of Aaron was his baby.
Crossover with The Prisoner, Juliet/Six, song
Crossover with V: Erica/Sawyer, meet again in a different life
Crossover with V: Erica/Juliet, mirrors
Crossover with V: Erica/Kate, you'll do
Crossover with Vampire Diaries: Boone/Stefan, everything he isn't
Crossover with Vampire Diaries: Damon/Shannon, snark
1. All ratings are accepted, G to NC-17.
2. Ficlets should be under 4300 characters in order to fit into a comment. If you run over this, you can post your work in your journal and post a snippet in the comments here linking back there, or you can post your fic in multiple comments.
3. Don't worry if someone else has already written for the prompt you have your eye on. Multiple people can take on the same prompt.
4. Please leave feedback for the writers!
5. If you have trouble remembering who someone on the list is, I recommend checking the name with
6. Ficlets can be left here until 29th of January Sunday 31st, 5pm GMT.
In the subject of your comments, please format it like this:
Title, pairing, prompt, rating
Then It Hit Me, Jack/Tom, baseball, NC-17.
If you have any questions, you can contact me in the comments here or back at my journal. Thanks, good luck, and happy ficcing!