OOC: Profle Meme!

May 13, 2010 13:25

[Character Name] Charlie Pace
[Canon] LOST
[Point Taken from Canon] After his death.

[Age] 28
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Straight and taken.

[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Color] Dirty blonde
[Height] Short maybe 5'7"
[Other] Tattoo on his left shoulder that reads: Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see. ; a shiny burn scar on his forehead; chipped black nail polish on his fingernails
[Clothing] Jeans and t-shirts is about all he usually wears. Sometimes a black hooded sweatshirt.

[Background] Very in-depth wiki link.

[Personality] Charlie Hieronymus Pace is an incredibly cheerful, happy-go-lucky kinda bloke. There's nothing he loves more than jumping into the center of attention, smiling and joking to get a laugh from his audience, usually at his own expense. After his time as a rock star, it is only natural the man loves to entertain a crowd and Charlie is most certainly a pro. He makes friends easily (when he isn't kidnapping babies) and is one of the more social islanders (when he isn't off being emo). That being said, the man also suffers from random mood swings, which only intensifies during his sessions of heroin withdrawal. His smiles turn into grumpy pouts without warning, his jokes suddenly dipping in bitter sarcasm. He mocks others, rolls his eyes, and curses his terrible luck before he suddenly has perked up and is joking again.

Since he was young, Charlie has always had a desperate need to save people. The first was, of course, his family. The piano his mother so kindly gave him came at a price--with this instrument, we expect you to rise to great ranks with your talent and save us from this life. As such, the man's entire life has been lived greatly for the sake of others--his mother, his brother, Claire, Aaron, etc.--they all fall into categories of people he must rescue. This is shown greatly by the vivid dreams he has on the island of Aaron crying out for rescue. The ironic thing about this is that Charlie is truly the one survivor on the island who needed to be saved. Between the literal life saving that Desmond performed for him and the tough love that Claire showed him to keep him away from the drugs he so wanted, Charlie was finally able to overcome both his addiction and his constant fear of being useless. When he gave his life to save Claire, Aaron, and the others, it showed just how much he had grown on the island. Though it took three seasons to do it, he finally realized that he wasn't useless at all.

When it comes to his family and those he loves, Charlie will do anything within his power to keep them safe and away from danger. Family is incredibly important to the man, ever since he was a child. The greatest example of this is how ruthlessly and without hesitation he murders Ethan Rom after the man abducted and experimented on a very pregnant Claire. Charlie shot the man multiple times in the chest so that he would never again have the chance to hurt her. As shocked as everyone was of his action, the choice had seemed easy to him. Claire or Ethan? He had to keep her safe. Of course, the taking of another life hit him hard later as the man withdrew briefly from all of those around him. He may not regret the decision, but he will not kill another so easily again.

As evidenced through his supreme elation at finding his guitar, his instant rage at losing his piano, and the fact that he is humming and singing all the time, it is easy to see that music is one of the man's greatest passions in life. Once he recovers his guitar from the crash, the instrument never leaves his side, seen either in his hands or strapped tightly to his back. Musical inspiration hits sudden and frequently. During downtime on the island, he composed an album based on his experiences there, featuring such hits as 'Monster Eats the Pilot'. This will obviously continue on during his time in Somarium and it is likely that due to his deep religious faith, he will take to performing hymnal music on Sundays to the few people who attend church.

Though usually rather down to earth, the man is very delusional about just how big Drive Shaft, his band, really was. When he first arrives on the island, every other question out of his mouth is 'YOU KNOW DRIVE SHAFT, RIGHT? RIGHT?!' but next to no one did. They were a one-hit wonder in the UK who did a few shows in the US, nothing more. Of course, the group grew to great fame after Charlie was believed to be dead, but he wasn't able to be part of that. He also considers himself a bit of a ladies man before Claire came along, though really, that was his older brother who caught all the women's attentions, not him.

Charlie has been deeply religious since birth, something odd for a man who lived as a rock star. However, like clockwork, after living his nights in sin, the man would go for confession and ask graciously to be forgiven. He shows only the utmost respect to his faith. It isn't something he jokes about. And when Mr. Eko decides to build a small church on the island, Charlie is right there to help him, even continuing to build after the priest's death.

Charlie isn't all lollipops and sunflowers though. Under his love of music and devotion to family, is a much darker shadow of the man. He cruelly murders Ethan in cold blood, attacks the tiny Sun without hesitation just to make John Locke look like a fool, and lies frequently to just about everyone. He has terrible jealous fits when others try to help Claire, flies into rages at the most trivial matters, and can never completely shake his fear of being useless until his death. His crippling self doubt comes up at the most inconvenient of times (Jack trapped after the cave in) and his dark bouts of depression last for days. And then, of course, there is his little trouble with addiction. First it is fame, then it is heroin, and lastly it is Claire, which is the more positive of the three, though he kinda stalked her for awhile like a mouthbreathing creeper.

If there is one person who has had a singularly huge role in Charlie's life outside of his family, it is Claire Littleton. The cute Aussie he befriended and quickly fell for on the island forced him to change. Though he was used to people buying his lies or just brushing them off, the tiny girl instead lashed back whenever he would dare utter a single lie to her, forbidding him from seeing her son and kicking him out of the tent they shared together. It didn't take long for her to train him well. Charlie's lying has decreased greatly since he's begun to put more thought into what he says, only popping up when he knows he can get away with it.

Just something to note, Charlie's black hooded sweatshirt is almost like a security blanket to him. When he has it on, hood up, he's off in his own world, lost to those around him and does not want to be bothered. The moment he finally lowers it, however, Charlie is back and ready to socialize.

[Specialties/Abilities] Unlike some people on the island, Charlie certainly doesn't posses any super special powers or secret strength, but he has an incredible talent and ear for music. He's skilled in both writing and playing and there is nothing he loves better than to pump out a new tune on the spot after he's been inspired. He can skillfully play the piano, guitar, bass, and ...cellphone keypad (he types out 'Good Vibrations' pretty expertly considering he hasn't been around a working cellphone in months).

He also has a lot of new random abilities post-island experience like constructing buildings out of tree trunks, catching fish without a fishing pole, and how to bait and trap wild animals.

Considering how long he spent doing heroin and how frequently he used it before going cold turkey, Charlie is still suffering withdrawal symptoms, which usually last years and years after hard drug use. It is definitely not as severe as it was the first few weeks, but there are times when it will really hit, usually when at night. It should lead to some interesting nightmares later on.

[Affection] Charlie loves affection, but he's a family man now. Keep it casual.
[Fighting] Not much of a fighter at all.

[Other Permissions] Let me know, but I'm usually up for it all.

[Other Facts] Charlie isn't very talented when it comes to swimming (oh irony) and he also has a very intense fear of bees.

ooc, profile meme

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