Warnings: Death by drowning
Effects: Viewing this dream will make the viewer feel like they are drowning. Though it begins calmly, soon they will feel all that is listed in the dream.
The room was filling with water.
Glad to see his final message had been read loud and clear, the rock star known as Charlie Pace resigned himself to his fate. Desmond had been right. He was going to drown.
His life was already flashing rapidly before his eyes.
-"That's us... We're on the radio! We're on the bloody radio!" "I told you, baby brother. We're gonna be bloody rock stars!"
Pushing away from the thick glass of the window, the man floated gracefully into the center of the flooded room. Given the situation he was now stuck in to the bitter end, he was exceptionally calm. Time has already begun to slow down.
-"Don't listen to your brother, just jump on in. There's nothing to be afraid of, Charlie. I'll catch you. I promise. You've got it! You're swimming, Charlie!
It takes what feels like an eternity before his body begins to scream for air. The man raises a shaking hand to make the Sign of the Cross over himself. In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...
-"The ring has to stay in the family, Charlie. So please, take it. Mum would have wanted it this way. Pass it on to your little one someday."
Though he is resolved in this decision, panic begins to blossom in him as the violent convulsions begin. His body shakes with an intense pain he has never felt before, not even during the first weeks of his withdrawal. His frenzied struggles are pointless. There's no where to go.
-"Three people walked by the alley. They saw me, but they just kept on going. You are a hero, sir, and don't let anyone ever tell you differently."
As his lungs continue to pump, a burning sensation in his chest takes him by surprise.
-"So, first plane crash?" "What gave it away?" "Ah, you can always spot the newbies."
And finally he is gasping helplessly for breath, mouth opening to allow the freezing salt water into his body.
-"I'm Claire. Nice to meet you, Charlie."
[And suddenly, silence.
Glub, glub.]
[[OOC: Feel free to react to the drowning man, but don't expect an answer. He's a little busy.]]