
Jul 18, 2002 18:12

556. Have you met someone famous? yes
557. Has anyone ever forgoten what you look like but u see them everyday? no
558. Where were you august 27, 2000? i don't know
559. Is that the day your b/f thought u started goin out? no
560. How many computers do you c daily? 2
61. Do you know anyone named burton? no
562. Do you have a picture of a tigger in your walet? npe
563. Do you need a hot girl/guy? be nice
564. Friend most unlike you? i don't know
565. Ever stopped talkin to someone b.C of their hairy arms? no
566. How many hairs r in your nose? i don't know
567. Ever been assasinated? no
568. Ever lost a body part? nope
569. Ever had shin splits? nope
570. What are you most attracted to? cats, guys.
571. What do you clean glasses with? my shirt
572. Ever had a knee brace? nope
573. How often do you ride the bus? never
574. How many chineese ppl r in your 7th pd class?
575. Know anyone from antartica? no
576. Most amount of times youve bounced a ball? i don't know
577. What do you do in the movies? watch it
578. Ever been drunk? yes
579. Ever tried to pee outside? yes
580. How many times have you fallen while drunk? never
581. How high do you pull ur pants up? hips
582. What would your rapstar name be? it wouldn't
583. Favorite decade? whatever
584. Who has the shortest tounge? blah
585. How do you think of random questions? alright
586. Ever left your makeup in locker all weekend? it would never happen even if i had a locker
587. Logest lifespan you know of? the earth
588. Does your ear itch? no
589. Can you feel your hands? yes
590. Can you bite your ear? nope
591. Ever tried? no
592. Did u succeed?
593. Do you know what u looked like?
594. Favorite belluy button? whatever
595. Ever danced with a feather matress? no
596. Ever rolled on the floor with your dog? yes
597. Worst picture ever taken of you? the one tera took of me going to the bathroom at winter formal.
598. Can u grub? yes
599. Ever had a digital get down? no
600. Favorite pop star? nope
601. What is pop music? something other than music most of the time.
602. What do you look like right now? bored
603. How many diamonds are on your ring? none
604. Ever had a 84% on a blood test? maybe
605. Did u study for it? nope
606. How many times have u or think u will fail a driving test? i didn't.
607. Can u make me holler? sure
608. Jus took some extasy~ do you know what the side effects will be? nope
609. Ever been caught on camera? yes
610. Are you ludicrous? dunno
611. What time is it now? 2:01
612. Things that come in threes: things
613. Do you sharpen your pencil to a point? no
614. Last time someone complemented you: i don't remember
615. Name: of the person who complemented me?
616. If we were a monarchy who would be king & queen? i don't know
617. Do you like the shape of your hands.. Describe them: whatever
618. Who has the wierdest hands: Tera
619. Wierdest feet: Tera
620. Ever danced with an animated santa claus? nope
621. Do you buy hallmark? yes
622. Last time u saw the softer side of sears? hrm
623. Ever talked to a college guy? yes
624. Was he a redneck? nope
625. What do you think of lowriders? the cars? damn it. they drive too slow over speed bumps
626. Strongest smelling cereal: lucky charms
627. What formula *math/science* comes to your mind first? a + b = c
628. Last time you rolled dice: forever ago
629. Ever seen $1000 dollars? yes
630. Most weed you've ever seen? erm.
631. Does wal*mart really roll back prices? no
632. Ever been pushed in a cart? yes
633. Are you on birth-control? no
634. How many hours do you sleep? 10
635. Do you remember your dreams? in the mornings
636. Wierdest couple: i don't knw
637. Biggest pair of pants you own: my black jncos
638. Worst hairdo: i don't know
639. Do you know neone who plays soccer? yes
640. What about golf? Aunt Kathy
641. Your feelings on minivans: ick
642. Last time you wore khakis? forever ago
643. With what? i don't remember
644. Ever sat on somenes lap and excited them? nooe
645. Person who gets made fun of the most? i don't know
646. Whhy?
647. Who has bedhead everyday? everyone
648. Ever lived at the beach? nope
649. Favorite beach activity: swimming
650. Ever kissed a hot lifeguard? no
651. Most boring person: lots of people bore me
652. Do you own a stuffed raccoon? yes
653. What about a racoon hat? no
654. Most likely to be a mime: Tera
655. Most likely to be a librarian: i don't know
656. Seen the natl. Lampoon videos? a few
657. Do ne of your friends have your name? nope
658. Shortest person you know: Jennifer
659. Most confident person: Tera
660. Smartest person: i don't know
661. Prettiest hair: Jessica
662. Who belongs in a zoo? Tera
663. Last time u made armpit noises: never did
664. Do you know how to work a ti-86? nope
665. Last time u laughed: rawr. i don't remember
666. Last time u cried: today.
667. Cutest smile: the guy at the feed store.
668. Ugliest smile: i don't know
669. Who needs to smile more often? i don't know
670. Looks best with a buzzed head: Tim
671. Why? got rid of the orange hair
672. Ever violated a human heart? no
673. Have u read the scarlet letter? no
674. Were your school pictures good? no
675. Do you know what the wrestling move "the violator" is? np
676. Ever walked in your sleep? no
677. Are you a trendsetter? nope
678. Opinion on girls who wear baggy clothes: whatever works.
679. Biggest secret u know: im not telling
680. Last time u told a secret: forever ago
681. Haha you just told me! alright
682. Who let the dogs out? we already discussed this.
683. Best bark: Ricki
684. Oldest teacher: Mrs. Nau (or whatever the hell her name was.)
685. Fv. Color of timberland boots: whatever
686. Ever ridden a tractor? yes
687. Was it sexy? sure
688. Who calls you baby? chris sometimes
689. Cutest baby? Daijah's little boy
690. Fav. Kind of cupcake: white
691. Wierdest nickname: i dont know
692. Fav time : before dark/after dark? after
693. Can u draw mickey mouse? no
694. Las person u called: Theda
695. Wierdest phone call ever? to Zef.. gah
696. Who do you go out with? whoa
697. Is grease or grease 2 better? grease
698. Last thing your tongue touched: the inside of my mouth
699. Ever failed? a class? no
700. Favorite n'sync song? sailing.
701. Last time you were in a field: awhile
702. Gayest boy band: most
703. Last time you danced: awhile ago
704. What animal do you resemble? a cat
705. Favorite mint: altoids
706. Favorite cheer: none
707. Cheeriest person: Daijah
708. Worst illness you've ever had: depression
709. Ever bought nething at the hospital shop? yes. when i was in the hospital in Jan, i bought a paper journal, pen, and a cross word book
710. What do you see when you look to the right: my ratties
711. Oldest person you've dated: blah
712. Youngest person you've dated: Anthony I suppose, but he was only like 2 months younger.
713. What do you want to do with your life? help animals
714. Do you wash your hands when you go to the bathroom? always
715. Fav. Soap: whatever
716. Opinion on smoking: it's gross
717. Who do you know that smokes: my mom, most everyone at work.
718. Color you wear the most: blue
719. What are you thankful for: my critters
720. Would you rather be a cowboy or an indian? indian
721. Last cd you listened to: mixed cd in ther car
722. Last cassette tape: i don't remember
723. Pet peeve: when people stop the microwave before its done, and not clear the time.
724. What are you allergic to? nothing
725. What does your doctors office smell like? clean
726. Almond joy or mounds? almond joy
727. Do you shake your bonbon? nope
728. Last time you listened to ricky martin? gross
729. Fav. Game show? i don't really care
730. 5 things to do with ice: eat it, melt it, put it in soda, crush it, lick it
731. Do you like girls who wear abercrombie &fitch? i don't really care
732. Will you ever take viagra? nope
733. Do your grandparents take it? who knows?
734. What kind of nursing home do you want to put your parents in: i would never subject my mother to that horror. my daddy on the other hand? *evil grin* but in all seriousness.. i'd rather stay home and take care of my mom, or never leave her side.
735. Fav. Adam sandler movie: good question.
736. Best childhood memory: days at the beach with my daddy.
737. Worst childhood memory: hiding in the cubby hole of my top bunk from my daddy
738. Do you have ne scars? more than i care to admit
739. Are scars sexy? no.
740. What do you think is sexy? Justin Guarini
741. Do you poop in your pants? no.
742. Who do you know that does? babies and some old people.
743. Person with the wierdest shaped head? i don't know
744. Last time you got beat: ha
745. Who is sweet on you? ha
746. Are you ugly? yes
747. Who is? me
748. Biggest ho: terrbile
749. Ever had a garden? yes
750. What comes to your mind when you hear garden hose? water
751. Know how to say nething nasty in a foreign language? nope
752. Coolest foreign person you know: Leilani
753. Last time u got hurt: i hurt my knee today, i don't know how, but it got cut.
754. Ever been in a flood? nope
755. Dark/light? Dark
756. Are you scared of storms? yes
757. Heat or air? air
758. What is your thermostat set on? it would be set on 68 if i had one
759. Is coca-cola classic always the one? no
760. Ever worked in fast food? no
761. Is it beginning ot look a lot like xmas? no
762. Do you get stickers at wal*mart? nope
763. Do you know ne payphone #'s by heart? yes. teras, work, lisa old number, thedas number, my home & cell, grandma's cell, moms cell, anthonys home and dads, dales, among others. *nod*
764. What do you like to write in journals? lots of crap
765. Are you greedy? sometimes
766. Do you know ne drug dealers? yes siree
767. Ever dated one? i came close.
768. Who do u know that is like scrogge mcduck? yes
769. Most redneck outfit u own: i don't know
780. Sluttiest outfit u own: i dont
781. Most ghetto outfit you own: who knows
782. Are you a prep? nope
783. Where did you lose your virginity? I haven't
784. Smoothest talker: ha
785. Worst pickup line? whatever
786. Fav. Condom flavor: we won't go there, right?
787. Ever been dumped? no. i've always been the one to end it
788. By who? -
789. Last time you were on a boat? forever ago
790. Any aquatic sports? nope
791. Ever been to an aquarium? yes
792. Do you have to pee? yes
793. Is your stomach growling? no
794. What does your mouth taste like right now? nothing
795. Ever made fruit salad? no
796. Ever eaten glue? no
797. Who do you know that has a cold? Jennifer
798. Funniest person to hear speak: my own voice
799. What did you order last time you went out to eat? double cheese burger from burger king - and it sucked
800. Most uncomfortable shoes: anything new
801. If you walk like a walrus.. Are you a walrus? no.
802. Do you know what a walrus looks like? yes
803. Favorite dollar store: no thanks
804. Are you a toys r us kid? yes
805. Why do pet stores smells so bad? one hopes they don't.
806. Most disgusting couple: i don't know
807. When do you lay down to sleep: when i get bored/tired or at around 4 on my weekend nights and 2 on work nights.
808. Last bed you were in *thats not yours*? my moms
809. What do you like the opposite sex to do to you? we won't go there either
810. What school would you rather go to: back to foss
811. What pre-school did you go to? some place in CA.
812. Who was your best friend? i don't remember that far
813. What did you want to be when you grow up? a vet
814. First kiss.. With who? *hides*
815. Where? well.. my first real kiss was on my front porch (how clasic?)
816. Was it good? well.. it got better
817. Issue that you are most concerned about: i don't know
818. What do you think of the whole gore/bush thing? over
819. What did you do on thanksgiving? went to work
820. Your feelings on turkey: it's dry
821. What time is it? 3:28 am
822. Has this been enough questions? nope
833. How long is this taking you? like a week
834. Ever danced w/ the opposite sex- yes
835. Kissed the opposite sex- yes
836. Kissed the same sex- no
837. Ever loved someone of the same sex, but not a family member- yes
838. Ever been in love- yes
839. With who (name them all)- - i won't.
840. Been a car accident- nope
841. Killed someone or something- yes
842. Cussed someone out to there face- no
843. Drank alchohol- yes
844. Been drunk- yes
845. Smoked- no
846. Have sex- no
847. Grinded- no
848. Drove a car- yes
849. Loved someone and never even met them- yes
850. Sang in front of someone- yes
851. Acted in front of someone (been in movie/play)- yes
852. Flipped someone off- yes
853. Kissed an animal- every day
854. Cussed in front of ur parents - yes
855. Watched porn - pass?
856. Won money- no
857. Babysat- yes
858. Told someone u want to marry them- erm.
859. Cryed during a sad movie- yes
860. If so what movie- when a man loved a woman, city of angels, where the heart is and lots more
861. Cryed while listening to a sad song- all the time
862. What song- plently.
863. Changed ur name- no
864. Done drugs- yes
865. Made prank calls- yes
866. Watched a soap opera- yes
867. Gone all day with out food- yes
868. Gone all day without drinking liquid- nope
869. Been to a national ball game (nfl,nba)- nope
870. Drove a boat- no
871. Been out of ur counry- yes
872. If so,where to- Canada and Mexico
873. Had a child- nope
874. Adopted a child- no
875. Made a movie- no
876. Made a song- yes
877. Cryed in front of bf/gf- yes. once, in front of Allen.
878. Worked- yes
879. Had surgery- no
880. Stripped- yes
881. Seen a rated r movie by ur self- yes
882. R u glad this is almost over?- i guess
883. Truth or dare: truth
884. Love or lust: love
885. Hugs or kisses: hugs
886. Night or day: night
887. Sunrise or sunset: sunset
888. Beach or pool: beach
889. Cake or pie: cake
890. Paper or plastic: plastic
891. Full color or black and white: full color
892. Gun or knife: knife
893. Cats or dogs: cats
894. Gold or silver: silver
895. Chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla: vanilla
896. Big or small: small
897. Go to the movies or rent one: rent
898. Fast or slow dance: slow
899. Car or truck: truck
900. Lefty or righty: righty
901. Simple or complex: simple
902. Pens or pencils: pens
903. Ketchup or mustard: ketchup
904. Batman or superman: whatever
905. Showers or baths: showers
906. X's or o's: o's
907. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
908. Do you believe in true love? no
909. Do you believe that there is someone out there for everyone? no
910. Do you have a crush? no
911. What is their name/s? -
912. Do you have a bf/gf? yes
913. How long have you been with them? *shrug* long enough
914. How long do you plan to be with them? *shrug*
915. Do you believe in god? nope
916. Say 1 nice thing about the person that sent this to you: I stole it
917. What did u do today: took my kitten to the vet, worked on my rats web page, bought new sheets for my bed
918. Was this survey boring: at some points
919. What r u doin now besides filling this out: nothing really
920. What college do u wanna go 2: i don't know
921. Where do u wanna live: far from here
922. Place u wanna visit: Maine
923. Are you a virgin? yes
924. If you got to choose who you lost your virginatiy to who would it be? a name unknown
925. What's the first thing you notice about a person of the opposite sex? build
926. The next thing you notice: eyes
927. Do you believe in love at first sight? nope
928. Major turn-on of the opposite sex: smile and eyes
929. Major turn-off of the opposite sex: ignorance
930. Do you have a crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend? which is it? bf
931. If yes, who is it? have we been avoiding this question?? Chris
932. Why do you like them? he's just wonderful.
933. What do you go for; looks or personality-wise? both?
934. What's your idea of a perfect date? anything at home.
935. What was your first kiss like? it was surprising.
936. What, in your opinion, is the best moment in a new relationship? the first time he wraps his arm around you, or embraces you.
937. When was the last time you cried over a guy or girl? please.
938. When you first met your boyfriend/girlfriend, what did you notice first? i dont know
939. Who was your first crush? Michael
940. Do you believe in love at first sight? NNO
941. If you could take one person anywhere on a date, where would it be, and what would you do? i don't know
942. If you were to be taken by one person anywhere on a date, where would it be, and what would you do? i don't know
943. What is your idea of the perfect marriage proposal (to or from that special someone)? to not have one
944. What is your idea of the perfect wedding? no thanks
945. What is your idea of the perfect honeymoon? some place quiet
946. What is one thing a guy or girl can do that melts you, every time? that goofy grin of his used to make me just fall in love more and more each time.
947. What was something that happened to you recently that you think was extra-sweet? Brandon reaching out and giving me a hug. like whoa.
948. What's something your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush does that sends that bolt of electricity through you? blah
949. What time is it? 3:42 am
950. What did u do 2day? just answered this.
951. Who sent this 2 u & say something about them- i stole it
952. Name: i don't know
953. Hair color: who knows
954. Eye color: i dunno
955. Why do you like him/her? i don't
956. Does he/she know: no
957. Are you going to tell them: no
958. Living arrangement? with my mom, sister, and a couple hundred animals. (ok so just lots)
959. What book are you reading now? im not
960. What's on your mouse pad? schimmel tiger and white leapord
961. Favorite board game? life
962. Favorite magazine? whatever
963. Favorite smells? vanilla, coconut, and moutainberry
964. Favorite sounds? my birdies, ryans meow
965. Worst feeling in the world? longing
966. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? can i sleep some more?
967. Roller coaster scary or exciting? exciting in a scary way
968. How many rings before you answer the phone? as many as possible. maybe they'll go away.
969. Future daughter's name? Sammy
970. Favorite foods? pizza
971. Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
972. Do you like to drive fast? all the time
973. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? right now. yes
974. Storms - cool or scary? scary
975. What type was your first car? '93 Geo Tracker
976. If you could meet one person dead or alive: my father
977. Favorite alcoholic drink? vodka and orange juice is fine.
978. What is your zodiac sign? Aries
979. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? no
980. If you could have any job you wanted what would it be? rodent breeder - if only i could really make money.
981. If you could dye your hair any color? black (if i could away with it)
982. Is the glass half empty or half full? it can be either
983. Favorite movies: Cit of Angels
984. Are you a lefty or a rightly? rightly
985. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? yup.
986. What's under your bed? crap
987. What is your favorite number? 985
988. Favorite sport to watch? baseball
989. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you. I stole it
990. Person you sent this to who is most likely to respond? -
991. Who are the 5 hottest guys/girls in your school? N/A
992. Name 3 stupid things you've done within the last 6 months: woke up, survived, continue to work at Orchard Park
993. What did you do for your last bday? went to dinner and saw Panic Room
994. Name 4 things you really hate: Britney Spears, stupid people, immature people.
995. Name 2 things about the opposit sex you love: they way they'd do most anything to protect a girl they care about and their eye (or hair)
996. Name 2 things about the opposit sex you hate: most everything

997. Do you like school? no
998. Why or why not? teenagers
999. Who is your fav teacher? Mrs. Keene
1000. name one thing you want to do before you die: go back to Oceanside, just once more
1001. name 5 things about this school year that you'll never forget
1. the first time i saw him
2. his smile.
3. homecoming dance.
4. day after homecoming dance
5. seeing him everytime there after
(whoa - im not sure where all that came from - but then, i suppose he's what sticks out most from my 10th grade year)
1002. name 3 people that you will stay in touch with even after you graduate
1. Tera
2. Anthony
3. Hopefully it would be Nicki.. but then.. i don't keep in very good touch with anyone from HS anymore

1003. how many people do you know that actually understand you? 1 my Chiara most often
1004: did you know that this is truly gonna be the longest survey? it better be
1005: have you ever made a survey: nope
1006: did I miss any questions: You repeated like 50 of them
1007: what was your most favorite dream you have ever had? the dream with the rose, and the stars. so long ago.
1008: do you eat in bed: no
1009: which color m&m do you prefer: brown

1010: the fast and the furious: Haven't seen it
1011: the glass house: it was ok.
1012: what lies beneath: it sucked
1013: pearl harbor: stupid love story
1014: do u know any more good movies: lots
1015: what are they about: things
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