[wishing] i wasnt grounded
[after this] same thing probly
[talking to] no one
[eating] nothing
[some of your fav. movies] breakfast club, donnie darko, kill bil vol. 1 & 2
[something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months]
meeting someone
[last thing you ate] pb and j
[something youre hella afraid of] spiders
[if you could have any animals as pets what would they be]
uhh a parrot, and a gerbal
[three cities you wouldn't mind relocating to] Prescott, Nyc, Somewhere canada
[some of your fav. foods] mexican, ice cream, maccaroni and cheese, and speggetio o's.
[something you wish you could understand better]
love and life.
[miss someone you haven't seen in a long time]
someone nameless
DO YOU...:
[like candles] yep
[like incense] yep
[believe in love] yes
[believe in soulmates]sure why not
[believe in love at first sight] nah.
[believe in forgiveness] sure.
[want to get married] yea.
[want to have kids] not right now
[believe that you know the person that you'll marry at this point in time] i dont know if ill ever know
[cried] yes
[bought sumthin] yea.
[gotten sick] no. for once.
[sang] yes!
[eaten] yea
[been kissed] i wish
[felt stupid] yea
[wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't] not that i know of
[met someone new] Mandi :D
[moved on] sure why not
[talked to an ex] yea
[missed an ex] no
[talked to someone you have a crush on] yeah
[had a serious talk] yeah
[missed someone] yea
[hugged someone] no :(
[fought with your parents] yep
[dreamt about someone you can't be with] yea
[best girl friend(s)] bridget. gill.
[best guy friend(s)] nate. marcus.
[boyfriend/girlfriend] i would do anything for one
[if none, current dating partner] none
[hobbies] hanging out with friends, skating, being on here
[pager/cell] no
[are you the center of attention or wallflower] depends on who im with
[car you drive] im so lazy
[would you rather be with friends or on a date] depends with who
[job] nope. but i need the money.
[attend church] Atheism Till Death
[like being around people] yes.
[have you known the longest] nate
[do you argue with the most] nate
[do you always get along with people] yeah
[who is the most trustworthy] i could trust nate with my life.
[who makes you laugh the most] tie between nate and marc.
[who is the nicest girl(s)] they are all nice.
[who is the nicest guy(s)] i dont know everyone
[who has the coolest parent(s)] bridgets mom
[who has the coolest sibling(s)] uhh i dont know
[who is the most blunt] bridget
[is the smartest] Marc
[who is your role model] me
[pet peeves] tacos
[ever liked someone you had no chance with] yea.
[ever lied to your best friend] yea :(
[ever wanted to get revenge on someone b/c they hurt you] yep
[cried over the opposite sex] yea.
[have a certain "type" of person you go after] yea.
[rather be the dumper or dumped] im not sure cuz i havent dumped someone
[rather have a relationship or "hook-up"] relationship
[what is your fav. part of your physical appearance] nothing
[what is your fav. part of your emotional being] me being funny
[are you happy with yourself] no
[are you happy with your life] no
[if you could change one thing what would it be] my grades