I was sitting here at my computer, randomly staring at the crap I have piled on my desk, when my gaze met that of my little gargoyle. I realised my gargoyle did not have a name, and he's such a happy little gargoyle that I couldn't let that state of things continue. So I have dubbed him Sir Roderick. He does not yet have an epithet attached to
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Comments 9
Be sure to have speakers.
a) Have to see Brokeback Mountain for a class next semester! How rad is that?! Its American Film Identities or something, but whatever, its going to kick ass!
b) March of the Penguins just came out here! Which is crazy because I saw it with Heidi last summer before I left, silly England being slow! Ps, I want a baby Penguin now just for the record.
c) I offically hate exams! And at this point just don't want to show up and fail!
d) tried going to the Blackboy on Thursday, but they carded me and I didn't have my passport. Know that I tried anyway, and that I was thinking of you the entire time I was being pissed off walking next to the Itchin (probably not how you spell it, but would be cool if it were) watching the swans. Booo!
e) I MISS YOU!!!!!!!
By the way...did you ever get my email about plan AB? I was sure I had sent it, but you never wrote back, so I thought I should check.
Damn. I miss you and England and real ale and cider and Winchester and swans and the cinema on Southgate Street and everything.
Still miss you to bits!
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