Of girly-men and watermelon smugglers

Feb 20, 2006 00:07

Ah, Magna Carta. My most recent gaming obsession, and oddly enough, one that I haven't even decided much on yet. The game is interesting, and nearly everyone I come across compares it final fantasy, at least at first glance, but after playing it for a few hours, I'm realizing how much it is different than FF. Yes, it's fancy, pretty, with a lush story and such, but the battle system is VERY VERY DIFFERENT, (and I love it,) and honestly, I think it's prettier and better story-wise than FFX. Now, the story isn't as good as some of the earlier FF games, but eh, some of the earlier ones were genius.

I've seen complaints on the web about the voice acting, but honestly, I don't find it that bad. Maybe it's because I've played Baten Kaitos, and the voice acting in THAT ONE is so bad I find myself skipping through almost all of the voiced dialogue as quick as I can read it, but Magna Carta doesn't really have as bad of voice acting as people would make it out to be. There are a few odd pauses and weird inflections, but at least they're trying to follow the mouths of the characters, the weird pauses tend to come during animated cutscenes. It's probably something to do with the original Korean and the pauses left in the mouth motions, or something.

Anyway, I'd rate the voice acting good. Not as good as say... FFX or X-2, to reference the giant of the genre, but not bad. I don't mind listening to all of the voice actors, and I like some of them a lot. Not bad at all.

And, somehow, I've gotten used to the fact that half of the main guys look very feminine, and most of the girls look like they're smuggling watermelons. It's... eh, it's the art style, and the art style is SO lush and detailed (even if the characters do look like they stepped out of a fasion show) that I can't help but get used to it. Sure, the characters have big boobs, but after playing the game, it doesn't fall into the dangerous territory of having big boobs be a selling point for a game. They're there, but it's not like TONS of attention is paid to the boobs.

Sure, there's a small bit of romance... but so far, nothing beyond the embarressed stage. And nothing that is WHAM BOOBS.

Hrm. Ah yes, I was saying things about the story earlier, wasn't I? Well, it's... interesting. Very interesting. I'm loving it more and more as I play, because, unlike a lot of RPGS... the conflict isn't black and white. It isn't an obvious fight of good versus evil, it's... well, I find myself sympathysing with the supposed enemy a LOT. Their actions are as justified as the party's actions, and in some cases seem to be a bit more so, even. It's not cut and dried.

And this makes me want to keep playing this game. Even with it's faults, like occasionally odd voice acting, and incredibly linear structure... omfg, the story. The story is excellent. The game is like a story unfolding in front of me, so I can forgive the linear structure. It's just lovely, and I cannot wait to beat it.

....damn that ended up long. and odd. I wonder, have I written my thoughts on this game before this? *ponders*

magna carta

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