name ;Jim
age ; 21
location ; Northwest of Chicago
have you read all the books in LOTR? ; No, Actually. I have listened to all of them on cd several time, though. I have read most of the appedices in the back of Retrun of the Kings, as the were so thoughtlessly omitted from the audio book.
favorite LOTR book and why ; I would say the first. The first of the three, and the first of the six aswell. I enjoyed the simpleness and strangeness of it. Though I did find it a bit dull compared--and only compared--to other parts. I still think it is my heartfelt favorite.
favorite character from the books and why ; Hmmm, Gandaulf. Followed by the elf that Frodo talks to outside off--or was it just inside of?--The Shire. It starts with a "G" I'm fairly sure. Phooey.
favorite scene from the books and why ; The Council of Elrond
favorite quote from the books ; "A secret only fire can tell", mayhap. Or, acctually I think "A blessing of surpassing excellency on your beer for the next 7 years" I think was better, but I think I'm getting both of my quotes wrong to some degree. It's been too long since I've read those books.
favorite LOTR movie and why ; The first one, because it was closest to the books, and it was just the coolest anyway.
favorite character from the movies and why ; Gandalf, I guess.
favorite scene from the movies and why ; The opening sequence. It was so real, and the monologue was breath-taking. Really if the rest of the movie could've only been so perfect!
favorite quote from the movies ; "One who breaks a thing to find out how it work has left the path of wisdom."
what other books by J.R.R. Tolkien have you read? ; The hobbit. Bits of The Silmarilian.
favorite piece from the soundtrack ; You realise, you're evil for making me choose! I'll have to say Concerning Hobbits, but only by a hair's-breath. There is no bad tracks on those cds.