Hello there! I would like to join this community, so I am filling out an application. It seems pretty amazing around here, and being an amazing Lord of the Rings freak, I would love to join.
name: Nora (I prefer not to tell my last name on the internet);
age: 15;
location: Wisconsin, USA;
have you read all the books in LOTR? Yes.;
favorite LOTR book and why: My favorite book was The Two Towers, because I love the Helm's Deep battle scene. The characters are so vivid and the descriptions are amazing!;
favorite character from the books and why: Faramir, because he has so much trouble living up to the expectations of his father, and he has to follow in the footsteps of his brother. Also, I just like him :);
favorite scene from the books and why: Helm's Deep, I already told you! :) I truly think it is the best scene JRR Tolkein ever wrote.;
favorite quote from the books: "I will go forward free, or I will go back and seek my own land, where I am known to be true of word, though I perish alone in the wilderness.";
favorite LOTR movie and why: The Two Towers again, because of the Helm's Deep scene and because of Haldir, one of my favorite characters.;
favorite character from the movies and why: Haldir, he's so noble and it is very sad when he dies.;
favorite scene from the movies and why: Helm's Deep: I love the way they created the set! Haldir's death is so touching and sad, I love it. ;
favorite quote from the movies: "Shall I describe it to you, or would you like me to find a box?" (Sorry, I know everyone probably says that);
what other books by J.R.R. Tolkien have you read? The Hobbit, some of the Lost Tales, and I have read part of the Silmarillion and skimmed other parts for information. ;
favorite piece from the soundtrack: Concerning Hobbits;
Thank you so much!