Since it was so popular last year, for the July Challenge at the LOTR GenFic Community we are repeating our Fixed-Length-Ficlet Challenge! the Theme will be "Short and Sweet", and all the stories will be Fixed-Length Ficlets. The element will be a number between 101 and 400. Interested authors can reply to this announcement and claim a number. No one will be allowed to have a number previously claimed. Whatever number is chosen will be the word count for your ficlet-- if you choose 237 your story must have exactly 237 words!
Stories will be due the weekend of Friday,July 16, and will be revealed on Monday, July 19. Please remember to use the template on the community profile page as a header, to put your story behind a cut, and to put the title of your story and your name as the subject. Tag your story "short and sweet".
To request your elements, please leave a comment to this post with the number you pick! If you have any questions, you can email the mods at or
I hope that we will have lots of participants for July’s challenge!
Numbers claimed:
Dreamflower: 399
clodia_metalli: 300
lin4gondor: 110
lbilover: 144
Jay of Lasgalen: 286
Virtuella: 369
Melegyrn: 400
Lady Branwyn: 200
Gamgeefest: 250
wormwood_7: 277
Larner: 373
ladyelleth: 345
Cathleen: 350
bfb: 339
LindaHoyland: 102
foxrafer: 342
Pearl Took: 398
Antane: 226