Buckleberry Ferry

Nov 20, 2008 01:14

Name: Marissa
Age: 20
General Location: New York
Three positive adjectives describing you:excitable, hyper, entertaining
Three negative adjectives describing you:naïve, cowardly, prudish
Do you have a preference on race or gender? (one or the other): Nope.

THIS OR THAT: (there's room for both in some cases)
Love or War:Love
Strength or Mercy:Strength
Determined or Accepting:Accepting
Making your own Destiny or Accepting Fate:I'd like to make my own, but I'm more likely to accept it
Life or Death:Life for me, death for certain others.
Brave or Safe:brave!

Which is your favorite movie:Return of the King
Book?:Fellowship of the Ring
Favorite character and why:hoboy, I can't pick one, i love the hobbits, I love Aragorn. I used to really love Legolas but now he just seems so much of a pansy to me sometimes. Except when he's taking down the Oliphant, lol. I'll have to pick Aragorn cuz he's so awesome with his sword and he's such a natural leader even though it took him three movies to become one.
Who do you relate to the most?:Pippin, I'm kinda dumb sometimes and yet people love me.
What got you into the fandom?:I read teh first book, followed by watching the first movie and i HAD to continue reading the books and waited eagerly for the movies.
If you could live anywhere in Middle-earth, where would it be?:The Old Forest. It's full of lots of interesting things and Tom Bombadil and I could shre the occasional non-sensical song, lol.
What would you do with the One Ring?:Probably throw it away cuz it gold. If it were a silver ring it'd catch my attention then. I like silver. ^^
If you could have a Ring with any power, what would it be?:I cant really pick a power, there are so many awesome ones. So it'll have to be the power of Mimicry. That way, when I encounter a power I can take it as my own! My powers will always be growing and unlimited!

How'd you find us?Through bfb

Post a picture of yourself (in costume is great!), if you have one and are comfortable doing this. If not, just describe yourself:

ME holding my puppy, he’s QUITE squirmy!

Not quite an LOTR costume, but the only recent costume I have. I'm the one in the middle, lol
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