I've got a little over 4,600 words typed, and another few hundred scribbled in a notebook, still waiting to be typed up since I do it all the old fashion way first. So I'd say I'm write around 5k, maybe slightly under.
The fic still follows the same outline: Richard and Kahlan are busy planning their wedding when they discover his decision to give up his han to Nicci may have consequences they never imagined. Kahlan and Cara team up in a race against time to save Richard's life.
Word count: ~4000. Trying to figure out the tense and certain plot lines. But overall it goes like this: Post-finale, Cara finds out about the spell, she leaves to ~find herself~ and ends up in Stowcroft where she meets Dahlia. Kahlan has a problem with this.
Is it okay if I missed this deadline but make up for it in the next one? XD Thing is, my thesis deadline is on the 9th, so I can't write anything until that date passes, but after it does, I will be FREE to write as much as I like, I swear.
Plus, I've got the plot lines pretty much figured out in my mind. I just can't write them yet >_>
(But if this isn't acceptable then I understand if you kick me out or something.)
That's totally fine, this first check-in is informal. Your thesis is way more important! Just make sure you do catch up eventually, the guideline is 10,000 words by Aug 23rd :)
Currently at 5k words and growing. Title: At Last It is set immediately at the end of Tears. With Team Seeker returning to Aydindril, Richard and Kahlan find that their happiness is not long lived as a man from Kahlan's past mysteriously returns.
I fail and haven't written anything yet, due to school and other stuff, but I've somewhat figured my plot out and I'll get on it as soon as possible, I promise. I'm leaving on holiday tomorrow and I should have plenty of time to write then, so it shouldn't take too long before I'm caught up
( ... )
Comments 22
The fic still follows the same outline: Richard and Kahlan are busy planning their wedding when they discover his decision to give up his han to Nicci may have consequences they never imagined. Kahlan and Cara team up in a race against time to save Richard's life.
Plus, I've got the plot lines pretty much figured out in my mind. I just can't write them yet >_>
(But if this isn't acceptable then I understand if you kick me out or something.)
Title: At Last
It is set immediately at the end of Tears. With Team Seeker returning to Aydindril, Richard and Kahlan find that their happiness is not long lived as a man from Kahlan's past mysteriously returns.
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