Welcome to the third round of the LotSeekerFic Awards!
A Note from the Awards Team:
Here we are, back for another round of punishment awards! This year all nominations will be done through Google Forms, as that makes things a lot easier for us to manage.
We ask that everyone take a moment to read the updated rules. There have been a few changes, and we have specifically addressed some issues we had in the last round of awards, to hopefully make things more clear. We also want to emphasize that while we may have taken a firm stance on certain points in the updated rules, we are still friendly, reasonable people. Don't worry about approaching us! We promise not to turn into dragons and eat you unless it's the second Tuesday of the blue moon. In that case, you're on your own.
It's also important to read the updated rules because we will not be notifying you if your nominations are rejected because of violation of a rule. Also, you need to find out what the pass code is!
You will also notice that Darken/Kahlan is starting as its own category this year, because we had to separate it out last year. In the event we don't get enough nominations to make the category, we will hold a poll over whether we should recombine it with Rare Het, or just eliminate all of its subcategories.
If you have any concerns about the rules and/or schedule, feel free to let us know. We will hear them out, though we may not change anything. It will depend on the concerned raised and the number of people concerned.
Looking forward to to a good round of awards!
-The Awards Team
Current Award Period: 2013
Nominations Begin: November 12, 2012
Nominations End: December 31, 2012
Author Notifications Sent Out: First week of January
Authors Must Accept By: January 15, 2013
Nomination Lists Posted: Between January 15, 2013 - January 20, 2013
Voting Begins: January 20, 2013
Voting Ends: February 20, 2013
Winner Lists Posted: Between February 20, 2013 - February 28, 2013
If you would like to preemptively reject any and all nominations you may receive (you don't want your fic included in the awards at all) please comment on
THIS POST to be added to the Author Blacklist.
2013 RULES |
AUTHOR BLACKLISTPlease direct all questions and concerns to the question thread. Comments are screened.