So I was able to watch "The Wedding of River Song" and I'm sorry, but I'm still not buying Doctor/River. I just don't find River's obsession with the Doctor and his begrudging acceptance of it to be romantic. At all.
I like River as a character, and I liked it when I was free to interpret that the Doctor went on having his adventures, and River had this whole other life with her archaeology and yeah, they crossed paths occassionally and had awesome times together, but he wasn't the be all and end all of her existence. Based on The Wedding of River Song, she was raised to be completely obsessed with the Doctor and his life and has no other interests outside of that (i.e. studying archaeology only to find him) and by the events in that episode where she is willing to sacrifice all of time so not to kill him when in her timeline, it's the second time she's actually met him (third I guess if you count ganger!Melody.) She's a celebrity stalker - and what a disservice to the potential her character has.
And I certainly don't buy that he loves her - likes her enormously, perhaps - but the whole episode had the feeling that the Doctor was being forced into an arranged marriage - as resigned to accept his marriage to River as he was resigned to accept his death, because it had already happened, and so had to happen. The whole thing just felt utterly wrong to me - when clearly I was meant to squee, because, yay, the Doctor is sexing River up in Stomcage at nights. Hmmph.
And while I liked Rory continuing to be stoic and awesome, and enjoyed the pay-off between Amy and Madame Kovarian, I would have enjoyed a bit more input from them - and I imagined at least some sort of displeasure displayed from Rory about the fact that he never got to hold his baby daughter, and that she was brainwashed into hating and then loving the Doctor and spends a chunk of her life in prison for a crime she didn't commit in order to keep the Doctor's cover. I can't imagine either of them would be happy with that, especially since Rory has numerous times in the past been less than happy with the sacrifices that people make for the Doctor. And really, Amy remembers her pirate constume in perfect detail but can't remember what her own husband looks like? Really?
But, I suppose, it is indicative of the classic Moffat emphasis on whizz bang and timey-wimey cleverness over character motivation and development which has been problematic all season.