So, the Mun-ster took a few Mary Sue quizzes for me... Hm. Well, we can't all be perfect, but I'm supposed to be likeable and/or believable even if I was an incredible asshole. Paradox much huh? Oh well, we better take these results to heart.
Universal Mary-Sue Litmus Test Result: Total Score= 20
17-21 Points
Probably not a Mary-Sue, although a character can go either way at this point. Fanfiction writers should pay attention to ensure that their characters aren't getting too Sue-ish. For an RPG or original fiction character, however, you're probably perfectly fine.
Lien's Comments
Either way huh? Well, my eye color hasn't been changing multiple hues of the rainbow and I don't think I'm going to have my powers improve. At least I'm not a fanfic character then! This looks promising.
Original Fiction Mary Sue Litmus Test Result: 54
36-55 points
Mary-Sue. Your character needs some work in order to be believable. But despair not; you should still be able to salvage her with a little effort. Don't give up.
Lien's Comments
Okay, okay-- No, still confused. I guess as an original fiction character, probably I AM a Sue? If so, why hasn't Orlando Bloom as Legolas appeared and accepted my love and why isn't my chest sexier-- I mean. Still, this is... Pretty different from the first test. Oh, hey, disclaimer.
Again, keep in mind that the test isn't always correct. Morpheus from the Sandman Comics scored nearly 70 points, and yet we don't believe he's a Mary-Sue. He's well developed, suffers the consequences of several major personality flaws, and has very few powers or talents besides those necessary to perform the duties of his station. Of course, research, an interesting story, and good writing always help too. ;)
Much better and much more understandable!
Okay, so those were the only two tests Mun-ster was willing to take because the other tests found on Google did not have any of those nifty check-box things that could give you your score without needing to do math. And we all know everyone hates it.
So in conclusion... I'm... Okay.
Meh, c'est la vie.