So Sayeth the book of La

May 27, 2005 16:45

Evil Monkey
You scored 65% Evilness, 80% Horniness, 80% Intelligence, and 85% Fitness!

You're the Evil Monkey that lives in Chris's bedroom!

The sad part is, you weren't *always* evil. Ah well, you are now! Whether you're catching your monkey-wife cheating on you or pointing your finger threateningly, you're doing it with smarts and physical finesse. You're horny, evil, smart, and in good enough shape to swing from things menancingly. Banana?

"Ooh-ooh, ah-ah!"

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 68% on Evilness

You scored higher than 80% on Horniness

You scored higher than 68% on Intelligence

You scored higher than 84% on Fitness
Link: The Family Guy Character Test written by Antimuffin42 on OkCupid Free Online Dating

King Nebuchadnezzar
You scored 62% Pride, 40% Envy, 57% Ambition, and 32% Deceitfulness!

You are King Nebuchadnezzar, the emperor of Babylon. You are part of a long tradition of Middle Eastern despots. Like any good despot, you possess the attributes of pride and ambition in good measure. Your ambitious nature drove you to conquer much of the Middle East, including the kingdom of Israel. You subsequently put the people of Israel into bondage. You also tend to be very direct with your friends and enemies alike. You prefer to tell people exactly what you’re going to do and how you’re going to do it. Your position in society and your imperial army give you the ability to do this with impunity. Unlike many Middle Eastern despots, you are a very good ruler and you happen to treat your own people quite well. You might be a biblical villain, but I’m sure you’d make a good dictator in the 21st century, if given the chance.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 69% on Pride

You scored higher than 39% on Envy

You scored higher than 54% on Ambition

You scored higher than 15% on Deceitfulness
Link: The Which Biblical Villain Are You Test written by MetalliScats on Ok Cupid

You scored 70% Esotericism, 64% Power, and 74% Malevolence!

Vilkacis (to be translated literally as "wolf's eyes"; 'werewolf') is usually a malicious creature; a scary being people can turn into. There are particular ways how the people with this curse turn into the wolves and then get their human appearance back and places where this is said to have happened. Although mostly malevolent, on occasion it would bring treasures. It belongs to the same lower level of mythological beings as Dievini, Ragana, Pukis and Vadatajs. It is not clear whether with Vilkacis it is the flesh or just the soul that transforms, as there are accounts of moving an apparently sleeping person whose soul is out "running as a werewolf", after which the person turns out to be dead, as the soul couldn't enter the flesh to return.

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 82% on Esotericism

You scored higher than 71% on Power

You scored higher than 93% on Malevolence
Link: The Mythological Profile Test written by LacedWithASmile on Ok Cupid

Indeed, you are 91% erudite, 91% sensual, 83% martial, and 79% saturnine.

Neit, who was said to have emerged from the primeval water to create the world, is one of the oldest Egyptian Goddesses. Although the Egyptians believed that Neit was of both a masculine and feminine nature, as she was self-produced, she was usually depicted as a woman.

The Egyptians believed her to be an ancient and wise Goddess, to whom the other Gods came if they could not resolve their own disputes. Besides being the ruler of the lower Heavens, she was also the patron to hunt and warfare, domestic arts, mysticism, as well as women and marriage. All this makes her some kind of a “jane-of-all-trades.”

As a deity, Neit is often shown carrying a bow and arrows, linking her to hunting and warfare, other times she is shown with a sceptre, symbol of rule and power, and the ankh, symbol of life.

The Fifteen Goddesses

These are the 15 categories of this test. If you score above average in …

…all or none of the four variables: Neit. … Erudite: Minerva. … Sensual: Aphrodite. … Martial: Artemis. … Saturnine: Persephone. … Erudite & Sensual: Isis. … Erudite & Martial: Sekhmet. … Erudite & Saturnine: Nemesis. … Sensual & Martial: Hera. … Sensual & Saturnine: Bast. … Martial & Saturnine: Ilamatecuhtli. … Erudite, Sensual & Martial: Maeve. … Erudite, Sensual & Saturnine: Freya. … Erudite, Martial & Saturnine: Sedna. … Sensual, Martial & Saturnine: Macha.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 93% on erudite

You scored higher than 89% on sensual

You scored higher than 96% on martial

You scored higher than 88% on saturnine
Link: The Mythological Goddess Test written by Nitsuki on OkCupid Free Online Dating
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