It's resolution/lent time again. Yipee!!
Hmm.. for 2005, I resolve to:
1. Save enough money to purchase a car and to pay my phone bill
2. Start going to Habitat meetings and join the art school student gov't
3. Get straight A's this upcoming semester
4. Work out at the gym 3 days a week
5. Re-start an old hobby: bracelette making!! haha..
6. Read a total of 100 books this year
..and I've already read a few:
"The Five People You Meet in Heaven"
"Tuesdays With Morrie"
and I'm half-way through "The Dogs of Babel"
For Lent I am giving up:
1. Smoking
2. Swearing
3. Caffeine
4. Ice Cream and other baad food ('cept for gum)
haha, I don't think I'll be able to successfully stop swearing, but time will tell.