From the
SF Canada list I belong to, I found this out. My thanks to Donna Farley for posting this. After all the helpful tips P & E has offered writers over the years, I figured passing this news along is the least I can do. I have another pay coming in soon, and I plan to donate a little bit to the fund, also. I'll have to get a button displayed here, too.
Post from Dave Kuzminski on the Absolute Write Boards
Post from Dave Kuzminski on the Absolute Write boards. Preditors & Editors has been a great resource and watchdog for the best interests of writers for years now. Donations are being accepted online for legal expenses in separate suits brought by two individuals, one an agent and the other a lawyer connected with Publish America.
"Okay, just to further clarify matters. P&E is being sued by Barbara Bauer and by Victor E. Cretella, III, Esq. in two separate courts.
Ms. Bauer is a literary agent who alleges I/P&E called her a scam and a scammer and is suing for libel.
Mr. Cretella is an attorney for PublishAmerica. He alleges I/P&E harmed his reputation by reporting him to the Maryland State Bar Association and his former employer for his actions against a member of Absolute Write and is suing for libel.
If anyone needs the code, you can email me and I'll email back the code needed for pasting the button on your site.
In the meantime, the link for the page with the donation button is Our mirror site at also has the button."