second hand smoke, liam/zayn

Oct 21, 2012 00:56

Title: Second Hand Smoke
Pairing: Liam/Zayn
Disclaimer: Entirely fictional.
Word count: 1, 641
Summary: Liam likes to watch Zayn smoke his cigarettes.
A/N: For Amy, as I imagine only you, my love, will read this.

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genre: fluff, pairing: liam/zayn, fandom: one direction

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Comments 10

we_are_the_same October 21 2012, 00:51:21 UTC
Ohh this just hit the whole smoking kink right on. UNF. This was amazing! I genuinely hope you will write more ziam-fic! It's even more impressive considering you said you haven't written in a year! Well done ♥

(btw if there are any spelling errors in here, the background gives me a tinypic error so I can't see what I'm writing xD)


louislouisohno October 21 2012, 08:46:25 UTC
Firstly- trying to work out how to change the comment box background and failing miserably, so that's a bugger!

On to your lovely comment, though. I'm so glad you enjoyed this! Thank you, and I'm definitely aiming to write more Ziam!



mmalfoys October 21 2012, 04:31:50 UTC
i am convulsing.
this is everything i never realized i wanted.


louislouisohno October 21 2012, 08:47:40 UTC
I am going to take this is a good thing, hah! So thank you.

Also, your icon is angelic.


thesilverwitch October 21 2012, 09:57:39 UTC
this was damn hot and adorable at the same time! loved it x


louislouisohno October 21 2012, 11:20:40 UTC
Merci! <3


gaysiaftw October 22 2012, 08:43:25 UTC
that last line literally gave me chills shotgunning is none of my fav kinks
but wow yes this is pretty much perfect it matches my headcanon
like liam doesn't exactly hate zayn's smoking but isn't like a fan of it either
he just wants a taste ugh yes and you wrote it so eloquently bless, this is beautiful


louislouisohno October 22 2012, 16:33:07 UTC
thank you thank you darling! :)


reject36 November 1 2012, 17:54:27 UTC
Don't mind me, I'm just gonna comment on everything you've written. This is seriously perfect though. Ziam is my love and I have the biggest smoking kink and this just takes everything I love and ties it up in a neat little bow. And don't even get me STARTED on shotgunning. Nope. You are brilliant. Please continue writing. :)


louislouisohno November 1 2012, 18:26:34 UTC
Well thank you, you're a sweetie, aha. And Ziam is absolute perfection, I think. And thank you, I definitely plan to!


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