Note: This is the last part of the first section. The second section is actually normal, so I've no reason to get rid of it.. :'D Gawd, I love normal shit.
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In a land that was only ever a myth (as the Bijuu themselves were only ever myths), where all things come to an end, Naruto found the lost city hidden in sand like a coffin buried beneath slimy gravestones.
And he took up a piece of history, a lasting treasure that did not exist, upon himself, holding the gilded shine of tarnished mirror. And in this he saw his own soul and was displeased and despaired.
But, though he did not believe, his wish was made and, in concord, granted.
Let it never be.
The Kyuubi, disaster within him, was pulled taunt by these epic forces as they demanded of him.
But the Yondaime's seal was too great, and the fire of the fox became bound to Naruto's humanity, until they were one and the same.
So defeated thus, the forces left him be, and the world changed without him.
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?