I still have 3 VCR’s clattering up the place, 2 of which is yet to be claimed by
Mr_bizarre &
psychomama. Please collect ASAP or its going in the trash. One spare if anyone wants it. Big thanks to Jonny tuna for taking away the other 16 000 VCR’s. :)
I have a little hoover in perfect working condition in need of a new home - comes with attachments. (no bags)
Then I have dug up a rather nifty Technics Record player which M assures me is in fine working order. I wanted to keep this but I can’t find a space for it to connect it to the rest of the system (and sadly, I own only one Billy Idol record, the rest of my collection resides in a trunk in deepest darkest Africa). I’d post a picture but I don’t have one. If this might interest you let me know and I’ll try and get you more specs on it etc.
Also, does anyone maybe have a sofa bed type thingie they are thinking of getting rid of? let me know.