time for an update :)

Apr 09, 2008 19:27

The weather has been absolutely GORGEOUS lately so i have been taking full advantage of it ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

jestmint April 10 2008, 03:18:34 UTC
Same boat. Fitness together! For every 1 pound you lose, I shall lose 2. Then we'll both have our target weight loss at the same time ahahah


krystle_smells April 10 2008, 12:46:41 UTC
Oh man, I wish I had the discipline to start running and get in shape. Maybe I should join a gym or something, watch what I eat.

I've never been in a real relationship but I can say that you shouldn't go into one just for those things, eventually you'll get those same feelings from other things and it'll be like you never really needed them at all. But as for that guy, just go with what feels right. If you really like that guy and want to go out with him, then do it. Dating someone doesn't mean you guys have to be together for ever. And if you do eventually part in September then just be happy for the time you shared together, that you guys shared intimate thoughts and feelings and it was a special thing. You're just afraid now because of what has happened to you in the past, but you shouldn't let that stop you from being happy now. I don't know, I'm just rambling. But if things don't work out, you'll always have the love of your friends and we're behind you no matter what.

I miss you :(


love_always_bre April 10 2008, 15:19:28 UTC
i miss you too
your so cute
i'm taking what you said into deep consideration


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