I'm about to impart some serious wisdom to everyone out there.
Never call Flynn's bluff on anything. If he says he's going to show up at 6:15 in the morning for pancakes and lols, HE REALLY WILL.
But that's okay cos so was he.
And then we ran around like a herd of elephants (I have ELEPHANT SLIPPERS!)
And woke up Perrin but if I wasn't allowed to sleep in neither was anyone else (who shared a bedroom wall with me). Ehehehehe.
And we got him to pose like a sexy male model on the condition that the photo wouldn't make it onto the internet but HAHA I AM EVIL INCARATE IN FUZZY ELEPHANT SLIPPERS!
And we watched the sun rise and it was all grey but pretty. Because there were pretty boys there. And pretty pancakes. But mostly, I was surrounded by pretty boys. ♥♥♥♥♥