Profile: Sasuke

Oct 21, 2005 22:29

A profile on the smallest, strongest Jyuuyuushi.

Requested by: liastrife

Warning: Spoilers beyond Vol. 15


*Data and images taken from various SDK volumes and IN Fanbook. Please note that a few points of information might be dated as the fanbook was written appx. around the release of Volume 20.

First Appearance: Vol 6
Weapon/Belongings: Muramasa created sword, Shibien and his kendama
Full Name:Sarutobi Sasuke

Age: 12
Birthday: December 24
Height: 150cm
Weight: 38kg
Blood type: B
Interests: Climbing trees
Specialty: Identifying any form of insects
Likes: Playing games
Dislikes: Language/Grammar (b/c it's something that is not definitive/formulaic like dealing with numbers)
Favorite Food: Broiled salted saba (a type of fish)
Non favorite Food: ----*, shiso no ha (sharp flavored herb leaf)

*could not translate

Memorable images:

Sasuke upholding his foremost responsibility as a Jyuuyuushi: protecting Yukimura.

Strategizing for the kill. Sasuke stabbing himself to get to Dr. White.

A young Sasuke with his childhood best friend, Kotaro.

Years later when Sasuke is forced to defeat Kotaro (Makora)

Sasuke being attacked by his fellow red-eyed creations.

The two Sasuke's have their first and last conversation.

Vol 24 cover.



Fan letters of inquiry written to Sasuke.

Q: What would you like to be/ to do in the future?

A: Well, seeing that I'm 12 and all, I haven't really thought about it yet. As long as Yukimura needs me, I'd make it my duty to protect him. After all, he's always acting like he's out of it, that Yukimura.

Q: What kind of life did you lead in the Sea of Trees?

A: The kind of life... (in the Sea of Trees) is the kind of place where the weak get eaten by the strong, so in order to survive, I ate everything from crude vegetation to strange insects. Thanks to that, I became pretty knowledgeable about insects. It might be best for you to not go to the Sea of Trees, you know?


~Omake2~ Mini-Manga

Title: Confronting Shinrei's water dragon curse.

(N:takes places around when Kyo and co. face Shinrei)

/Kyo's group find themselves in a difficult position where they become trapped by Shinrei's water curse... Neither Akira's ice technique nor Bontenmaru's idiotically powerful attacks are able to penetrate the curse! What to do.../


Shinrei: Keh. You pathetic garbage should just peacefully accept your death.

Sasuke: Fine, then eat this. *Sasuke raises the Shibien for his trademark lightening attack* Raijin Honoukazuchi!

Benitora: S...sasuke, stop right no--- GYAAAAAAAH!

*sounds of lightning currents running through the water as the group is electrified... including Shinrei*

Sasuke: Huh?

/Sasuke! Utilizing lightning through water is a no-no!/

~Omake2b~ Mini-Manga

Title: Sanada Household

(N: Sasuke as a little kid in the Sanada family.)

Sasuke: Hey Yukimura, I'm heading to the mountains to go hunting.
Yukimura: Sure, go right ahead, just be careful.

Saizo: WHAT? A child by himself is too dangerous!
Kamanosuke: Are you going hunting for bears?
Jinpachi: Ooo. Sasuke's finally at the age of hunting in the mountains.
Kosuke: But Sasuke, what are you doing for lunch?

Saizo: What if something happened to you?
Kamanosuke: If you're lookin' for bears, you can find them on the west side of the mountains!
Jinpachi: You should at least make sure and check out the weather in the mountains first, Sasuke!
Kosuke: I really do think you should take a packed lunch with you, don't you think? Oh maybe some canteen of water too...
Saizo: And there might also be scarier stuff than bears out there!

Sasuke: ...
*everyone decked out with box lunches, weapons, camping and hiking gear etc*

Saizo/Jinpachi/Kamanosuke: Ok Sasuke, let's go!
Kosuke: Should I bring along some snacks as well?

Yukimura: Hey, hey! Now this looks fun. Maybe I should come along too. *hearts*
Sasuke: Forget it.



Next week's profile:
Mahiro (requester: zelamenomiko)

Other requests in queue:
Yuya (requester: zelamenomiko)
Kyoshiro (requester: shiina_nozumo)
Aka no Ou (requester: snapdragon76)

Profiles posted to date:
-Taishirou (Tokito, Fubuki, Hishigi, & Yuan)
-Shiseiten (Akira, Bontenmaru, Hotaru, and Akari)
-Yuan Family (Yuan, his parents, and his siblings)

Info on more characters can be found in the Character Map as created by our active mod, Aka-chan.


In spirit of the recent cool posts about Sasuke's 2nd favorite weapon (only second to his Shibien), the kendama:

-The End-

character profiles, character:sarutobi sasuke, !samurai deeper kyo

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