He'll fix you a drink that will bubble and foam...

Aug 06, 2004 23:42

Hey kids. So like, OPENING NIGHT = AMAZING. Hokay. I'll try to tell you about it with out rambling. So we got to Thacher around 5:30 and hung around and such. Vivian gave us some notes from last night and then it was time to get ready to go on. We did our Tyt scream and before show ritual and then the first scene people went on. My first scene was the munchkin scene, which I think went pretty well. Except there wasn't much smoke for Meeza but oh well. Haha. I was mostly in act two, not act one. Margo and I teased our hair and did some wicked crazy makeup. With unibrows. Yeahhhh, unibrows. *sigh*. To be a monkey. Haha. But yeah, I didn't bleed during the monkey scene! Weee! Haha, Katie and Jordan brought me bandaids just in case. All in all, it was a really good show. Not a really good night, but a really good show. I love the cast so much. I'm definatley going out with the cast tomorrow. Tonight after the show all the people who came and I went to Katie's house for pizza and stuff. We were late because Greg wanted to stop at Mcdonalds and Matt is insane. He drove through the drive-through backwards. Erika and I were laughing our asses off. Oh man. It was so great, and we got so yelled at. Hahahaha. Gooooood stuff. Katie's was fun. Tomorrow, er, today...I need to get up to be at Thacher for 12:30. I'm there until about 9:30 at night. And we have two shows. In other words, I need to go to bed. Nighto.

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